chapter iii

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As the World Caves In - Matt Maltese

There was then a bolt of fire in me. I was going to tackle Clovis, tackle him for killing him. For making my life so much more miserable; but I was stopped mid-air. One of the guards had his hands out, there was a force coming from his hand. That force was preventing me from moving, I was completely still. Unable to move. Clovis didn't react to my rage. They all looked unfazed.

Then the force was lifted and I fell to my knees. It didn't hurt, it was just unexpected. I couldn't fight them. I just couldn't. They hold too much power against me.

"You killed him... didn't you?" I struggled. Clovis took a moment to answer. "No..." he denied. "Then who did?!" I protested.

"Sit up," Clovis said. I hesitated before getting back up on my feet. I sat down on the hard mattress. I wanted so many answers right now. I was prepared for a lie.

"Michael was taken to a prison. He tried escaping and he was killed by one of our secret guards," Clovis explained. "So you did kill him! Your cult killed Michael!" My hands wanted to fly up and smack him, I resisted.

"Marissa, we demanded that Michael was kept alive!" Clovis shouted over me, pointing me down. For the first time since my turning, I was crying. There was real emotion spewing from me.

"How could they kill him?" I sobbed hard, clutching onto both of Clovis's hands. "Marissa, all things must come to an end." He tried comforting me, but it only angered me more. "No! Do not use that lame excuse! All things must come to an end when they are doomed to! Michael's time wasn't supposed to end there!" My watery eyes looked up into Clovis's dark eyes. I hate him so much.

"Michael Myers was an evil man, Marissa. He ruined your life. How would your dead friends think of this?" I froze. He did not just say that. He did not just mention my dead friends. He did not just say Michael Myers is an evil man.

I stood up again, staring him down with my fiery eyes.

"You made him evil. You caused every one of his killings, Clovis. I hope you rot in Hell." I stepped extremely close to his face, breathing on his nose. I could feel his breath on mine. "You ruined his life. You ruined mine. Without you, Michael would be a normal being right now. All of those people he killed would be alive right now." His eyes went darker the longer I spoke to him.

"Get out," I mutter, turning my back on them; laying down on the bed. I was on my side, facing the window. I didn't want anything to do with this cult anymore. I'm under their curse, there is nothing I can possibly do now. And it sucks. This world is evil.

Clovis listened to me and left me be. The door latched shut, their footsteps faded away as they got further away. My tears dripped from my face and onto the solid pillow beneath my head. Michael is really gone. Unless they are lying to me, but why would they? What evil plan do they have in store for me? Nothing would work. Maybe angering me is what they're trying to do but for what? So I can murder people? Feed on their power?

My arms came up around my shoulders; hugging me. Michael's suit had his exact scent still. He had a weird smell to him, I think everyone does. But his is so different. It's so sharp and cold. The fact that it is the same suit he wore while he was here.

This room felt so cold and untouched. I was starting to feel this crevice in my chest, and slowly it would open more. My heart is breaking as each second goes by in this prison. There's something deep in me telling me to defeat Thorn but I just don't know how. There is no way I can gain any more power than what they have. I think of Jamie again. Poor girl.

Right now, Jamie is the only hope that I can get out of this mess. I need to escape!

I get up quickly, running over to the window. I searched for a latch, anything to open the window, but of course. There's nothing. What did I even expect? The glass was also the unbreakable type of glass. Well, that plan flunked real quick.

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