Chapter two

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It's Friday and also Halloween. I feel the excitement and sadness collide in my body at the same time and I don't know how to react. Today makes two years since my parents died. They were in a plan crash coming back from the Bahamas. Life works in mysterious ways, sometimes they hurt more than others. As I throw on some ripped jeans and my white t shirt I wack my wrist against the edge of my dresser. "Fuck!" I cry out.

"Miss Hailey are you okay?" I hear Nancy, the maid my grandparents hired, ask from outside my door. "I'm fine Nancy thank you." I hear her walk off and I quickly finish getting ready. I decide on wearing my hair down today and quickly slide into my vans. I grab a white beanie and my backpack then make my way downstairs. "Nancy I'll be having people over tonight, you can have the weekend off." The older woman smiles at me and embraces me. "Thank you dear. I should be out of here by noon so I'll be gone before you get home from school." I nod and grab the blueberry muffin she had on the counter for me. "Thank you." Then I make my way over to my car.

"Call Tia." I say to my car. I hear the ringing through the speakers and wait for her to answer. "Yes?" Her voice fills my car. "I'm on the way and don't forget we get out at 11:30 so we only have four classes." She laughs into the phone. "Thanks Hails. Well be outside." I hang up and start my car. I turn on the self drive and sit back so I can enjoy my muffin. I'm looking out the window as the car drives and I see the man from the mall. He's crossing the street as I come to a stop at the stoplight. He turns and his eyes connect with mine. My heart stops and I quickly blink. When my eyes open up again he's gone, nowhere to be seen. "You're going crazy Hailey."

When the car pulls up to the twins house they are waiting on the front porch. The pair walk over to my car and slip inside. "Hello ladies." They greet me and then go silent. "Did you two get into a fight?" I eye Sophia who huffs and looks out the window. "Yea she's upset because I told her she needs to stop talking to Tony. Rj told me he saw him leaving Dannie's house." I purse my lips and nod. "Phia?" She turns to me and I can see the hurt in her eyes. "He said he changed Hailey." I nod and let the issue go. "Be glad we only have four classes today." A giggle falls from Sophias lips and I smile. "It's Halloween. I don't want to be sad, I'm excited for tonight actually." I agree with her and we start to talk about decorating the house.

When we pull up to school a group of girls from our physics class are waiting for us. "Sooo I heard your having a party, I was wondering if I could bring my boyfriend and a few of his buddies?" She smiles at me and I nod. "They're frat boys just so you know." I stifle a laugh and nod again. "Okay lex. See you tonight." She squeals and runs off with her friends. Tia and Sophia walk up to me in better moods then a few minutes ago. "Ladies?" I hold both of my arms out to them. We walk into the school like that with giant smiles on our faces.

When the last bell of the day rings I smile and run to my locker to throw my books in there. Luckily none of my teachers gave homework over the weekend. "Tia!" She turns to me and smiles. "We have to go to your house to go through what we already have in the garage." I nod and we make our way out to my car. "Sophia texted me and said that she'll meet us at the Halloween store." I start my car and make the 20 minute drive to my house. When we walk inside my eyes nearly bulge out of my head. The whole house is decorated with Halloween decorations and streamers. There's balloons everywhere along with sparkly confetti.

I walk into the living room and notice how it's been turned into a evil science lab with snacks and drinks being refrigerated for tonight. I find a note on the table and read it.
'Hailey, for being such a sweet girl too me I helped you out a bit I hope you like it.' Nancy.
I smile and look around some more, there's a caterer in the dining room setting up what was supposed to be 'body parts' along several tables. In the middle there were cupcakes decorated with witches and skulls. "Holy shit Hailey. You didn't tell me you were gonna go all out." I turn to Tia who's grinning madly. "It was Nancy." I show her the small note and smile. "It's perfect actually." The caterer turns to me and walks me into the kitchen. "So this machine here is the fog machine. Turn it on at 7 so it can have time to set the affect before people get here." He shows me which button to press, then leads me to another set of controls. "These are for the lights. Nancy was very specific, stable lights and flashing Halloween colors." I nod and listen to what he says very carefully because it looks hard.

Once the caterer leaves I join Tia on my front porch with some sweet tea. "Did you tell Sophia she didn't have to go to the store?" She looks at me and nods. "She seemed a little bummed but I'm sure she'll understand." I look down at my watch and it's 5. "I'm gonna go now, so I'll have time to come back and shower before the party." Tia nods and I head back inside to grab my keys. I make my way to my car and jump inside. My heart races as I pull out of the driveway and down the road. The radio plays softly in the background and it helps to ease my nerves some.

I pull up to the cemetery 30 minutes later and make my way over to the graves of my parents. "Hi guys, I miss you lots." I kneel down and run my hand over my mother's headstone. "I'm 18 now and grandpa bought me a big house. I have the twins over a lot so I'm not lonely, I have a maid named Nancy too. She keeps me company during the day." As I talk to my parents I look up at the sky. I turn my head slightly and notice somebody else in the graveyard. I sit up so I can see them better but they have their back to me. I stand up slowly and try to be considerate to the person in front of me talking to their loved one. I step back and of course I step on a twig. I flinch and look up at the person in front of me.

My heart slows as those hazel eyes meet mine. The man from the mall was standing only a few feet from me. You know him! My brain screams at me. As I continue to stare at the man in front of me his face starts to seem more familiar. Before I know it the name slips out of my mouth, "Donny?"

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