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After 2 years,

Dear Diary,
Sorry! I haven't had time to hang out with you from past many months. You can't blame me, look at my last entry which was years ago and now here I am writing to tell you that, I am happy like really really happy! He has changed my life completely, his love and touch still gives me goosebumps and our love is still being multiplied and it doesn't seem to end, that's exactly what I wish for!
Okay! Getting to the point, I am on due...may be few weeks. I am really excited to welcome our little soul and I am going to try my best to be a good mother!

See you soon!

'You should sleep now!' Akshay said snatching her diary.
'I am!'
'Are you hungry?'
'Nope! But I want to have a chocolate!' She said with a cute smile.
'You had one already!' Akshay glared.
'Just one! Please!' Nakshatra begged with a baby face.
'You and your cravings!' Akshay placed a chocolate bar in her hands and in a minute she ripped it open and finished it.
'Sleep now!' He said.
'I am not sleepy!'
'But you have to!'
'Was I always like this! Stubborn? I don't actually remember!' Nakshatra asked.
'No! You were not! Your douche husband should be blamed for this, he pampered you way too much!' Akshay said.
'Hey! Not a word against my husband!' Nakshatra chided.
'Possessive wife huh!' Akshay rolled his eyes.
'Best husband!' She sniffed making him smile wide.
'You are really something!' Akshay said leaning in to kiss her on the tip of her nose.
'What exactly?'
'I don't know! I m not able to define and whatever it is, it makes me happy!' He kissed her on the forehead.
'Then you shouldn't bother!' Nakshatra replied.
'Sleep now!' He said again for the nth time.
'I can't fall asleep! Will you tell me a story?' Nakshatra asked with a child like excitement.
'Is that a demand?' Akshay questioned back and she nodded in yes.
'Nakshu! We are going to have a baby in weeks! You should stop acting like one!' Akshay said with little annoyed tone.

Yes, he was really trying his best to deal with their pregnancy. Thankfully her mood swings were not extreme, hardly she used to cry sometimes and used to ask why she was crying and that was actually pretty easy to deal with.

'Fine! Grumpy Husband!' She mocked.
'Come here!' He made her sit next to him. 'I love you baby!' Akshay said kissing her belly.
'What about me?' Nakshatra questioned with a fake angry.
'I love you! You know that!' He said.
'I will tell you how much more I love you!' Nakshatra held his collar.
'I think we are not allowed to do that!'  Akshay said moving back.
'I know that!' Nakshatra said placing a sweet kiss on his lips.
'You are really something!' He complimented again.
'I know!'
'You seem to know many things!' Akshay made her lay next to him.

Both of them slowly drifted into sleep, with those small talks about their child. Awaiting for more happiness and turns of difficulties to roll on its own, they shared their life and parts of it with same love and passion.

The end!

Thank you so much for all the love and support.

A Fantasy Tale! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora