Chapter 2

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Martina's POV

I had a bad feeling about this. But I won't let a person to die in some alley. I started approaching the person where I heard grunts of pain.

I finally spotted figure in the dark. So it was a man. I turned on my flashlight on the phone and turned it to the person. I saw him put a hand in front of his face.
''Turn that sh*t down.'' He grunted.

I immediately turned my flashlight off. But his voice? It's really familiar. I swear I heard it somewhere. I got closer to him and finally saw features of his face.

''Mr. Hall?'' I asked, shocked.
''This girl again? Jeez.'' I heard him mumble.
''What happened? Are you in pain?'' I asked.
''No, I'm perfectly fine.'' He laughed. I looked at him confused.

''Don't you see I have a blood all over me?'' He snapped making me jump up. He is weird. A lot.
''Sorry. It's dark.'' I apologized.

He leaned against the wall. I didn't know how to help him.
''Oh sh*t, I feel dizzy.'' He said. I looked at him scared. I can't let him die. I dialled a number of ambulance and called them to come here.

I quickly caught him because he almost fell on the floor. His head was leaned on my chest. I noticed he was pressing his stomach with his hand. There is probably his wound.

I unwrapped my scarf around my neck and removed his hand before putting a presure on his wound. How did he get injured and with what? Knife or gun? Oh my God, what am I thinking? This isn't some criminal movie.

''Mr. Hall. Don't fall asleep.'' I said.
''I can't.'' He whispered.
''Stay awake.'' I said and shook him a bit. I can't have him die in my hands. I felt tears prickle at the end of my eyes. I was becoming frustrated and scared.

My face lit up when I heard sirens of the ambulance. I was happy to know that they came this quick.
''Help!'' I yelled. They came here with flashlights and took Mr. Hall.

I came inside the van together with them. And I realized how much blood was all over him. His white shirt was drenched with blood. His face was pale. I removed my hand from his when I realized I was holding it.

I looked at my hands and noticed they were coloured in red blood. Medics helped him right away. What have I gotten myself into? This man could have died in my hands. Realization hit me like a brick.

We arrived in a hospital and luckily it wasn't where my mom worked. They led him inside the surgery room, leaving me in the hallway.

I found the bathroom, and washed my hands and face. This never happened in my life. I could only imagine his pale face and bloody shirt.

I sat in front of the surgery room and called Lily.
''Hey girl, where are you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.'' She asked me.
''Lily, something happened. I will tell you everything tomorrow. Don't tell anything to my mom, please.'' I said, tiredly.

''Okay, Tina. But are you okay?''
''I'm fine.'' I replied.
''I'll see you tomorrow then, be careful.'' She sighed.
''Thank you, Lily. Bye.''

I hung down my phone and sighed. Can anything else happen that it already did? I put my hair in a ponytail and leaned on the chair.

My eyes were closing when I heard ding from the surgery room. Door opened and revealed doctors and nurses who were moving the bed Mr. Hall was on. He looked a lot more cleaner.

Suddenly, doctor approached me.
''Hello, I'm Dr. Reyes.'' He shook my hand.
''Hello, Martina Grey.'' I said.
''What's your connection with the patient?'' He asked me.
''I found him injured in the alley. I have no connections with him.'' I said.

''Alright. It really eased our situation the way you helped him. I will just ask you to fill the report.'' He said, smiling. I nodded and followed him.

Once I filled the report, he told me I can wait for him to wake up in the room he was in. I went towards the room and carefully opened the door.

I saw nurse checking on his vitals as she gave me a small smile.
''Can you tell me what happened to him?'' I asked her as I approached her more closer.
''He was shot in his abdomen. His condition is fine now and he will be awake soon.'' She spoke. I nodded and sat at the chair down.

I can't go back home, because I told my mom I'll be at Lily's place and I told Lily I won't go to her place. So I'm stuck in the hospital room with an injured man.

I can't get out the thought of my head that he almost died on my hands. What if I didn't help him? His family would be devastated. But I don't know if he actually has one since no one came already.

I was stuck in my thoughts for a long time. I didn't even realized it's already midnight. Everything was quiet except beeping on the computer.

I looked at him just when he let out a groan. So he is waking up. I got up from the chair and stood next to him.
''Mr. Hall?'' I called him. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around the room when his blue eyes landed on me.

''How do you feel?'' I asked.
''Fine. Why am I in the hospital?'' He asked.
''Nurse told me you were shot and they performed a surgery on you. But you're fine now.'' I explained. He noded his head in acknowledgement.

''That's it?'' I asked. He raised an eyebrow towards me.
''You should at least thank me for saving your life.'' I scoffed. This man, really.
''I didn't ask you to.''
''Excuse me?'' I was pissed off now.

''I saved your life and you don't even thank me. Fine. But you should apologize then for making me see blood all over you and almost dying on my hands. How do you think I feel now, you stupid bastard?'' I yelled in his face.

''Listen, girl...'' I cut him off.
''Martina.'' I said.
''Listen, Martina. Come here.'' He said as I listened and stood next to his bed.

He took my hand in his which startled me.
''I know you have trauma from what you saw. I'm sorry, okay? And thank you for saving my life. But I ask from you to try to forget what you saw. It won't be easy, but just so you know you won't have to experience anything like that again. Alright?'' He spoke softly.

I nodded my head. At least he was honest.
''You can go home now.'' He said.
''I can't.'' I blushed a bit.
''Why?'' He asked, confusion all over his face.

''I was supposed to have a sleepover at my friend's and I told my mom that and it will be weird to go home now this late.'' I explained.
''I see.'' He said.
''But I will stay here and in the morning I'll leave, because I have no other option.'' I said.

''Okay then. You can suit yourself.'' He said. Yeah, I can. With a chair. I rolled my eyes internally and moved my hand from his. I blushed because I saw that he was still holding my hand.

''Can you please give me my phone?'' He asked. I nodded and took his phone that doctor previously gave me and handed it to him. He started making calls as I sat down on the chair.

This was all too much for one day and I couldn't help but fall asleep as soon as I made myself comfortable on the chair. I could hear his faint talking before I slipped into darkness.

Mafia's Little Girl (rewritten version)☑Where stories live. Discover now