Chapter 13: Pictures

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains brief mention (although no physical actions happen) of sexual assault. If that's too much for you, feel free to skip this chapter and just know that Rykan will not be happy when he finds out what happened.

I got to the house after leaving Rykan and feeling absolutely empty because of it, and to make matters worse I discovered George and Jake were still there. That wasn't good. That probably meant they were drunk and going to be wildly inappropriate. Evan didn't care. He never cared how they acted with me. I hated he never said anything to them and it used to hurt, now I was just expecting it so I entered the house quietly, listening carefully.

I'd get upstairs, pack my things, wait until they passed out, then be gone when Evan woke up. At least, be gone with necessities. I'd have to come back for other things but that was fine. The important part was getting the hell out of there and moving on with my life.

I removed my shoes to hopefully not make any noise and padded slowly towards the stairs. I paused at the entrance to the kitchen but heard nothing. It sounded like they were in the garage with the pool table. Good.

I raced for the stairs and was two steps up when Evan came around the corner, his tie gone, his top shirts unbuttoned, and completely unable to stand still.

"Hey baby cakes," he grinned, swaying where he stood.

Oh God, he hadn't called me that since high school. For some reason I thought it was cute then. Now it made me want to gag.

"Don't call me that," I said flatly, brushing past him.

He stumbled behind me, running his shoulder into mine as he tried to maintain balance. "Where you going baby cakes?"

"How much have you had to drink?" I sighed. He was an asshole when drunk. Well, he was always an asshole. But he was somehow worse drunk. "Go play with your friends and leave me alone."

"I don't want to play with my friends," he murmured, stumbling into me so I fell into the wall and he leaned over me. "I want to play with you baby cakes."

"I'm aggressively uninterested and I swear if you call me that one more time, I'm hitting you," I threatened, ducking under his arms and heading for the bedroom door.

I managed to make it to the door and open it but he followed, putting his foot in the doorway so I couldn't close it.

"Don't be that way baby cakes," he frowned. "I just want to mess around with my wife a little."

"One, don't call me your wife, we are essentially separated. Two, you and I are never messing around again. Ever. Three," I kicked his foot and smacked his arm hard enough he stumbled back. "I said I'd hit you if you called me that again."

I slammed the door and put the lock in place. I heard fumbling and as the door clicked I remember he had a key to the room. Damn him. He stumbled in and was out of it enough I snatched the key.

"Get out, Evan," I said, pointing to the door. "I'm not doing anything with you."

"I think you will," he said, pointing an unsteady finger at me. "What did your therapist call it? Touch starved? We both know you're way too lonely to not want something. I remember your sex drive. It was one of the things I liked about you. You always wanted me," he said, raising his eyebrows.

God, I could use a basket or toilet or something to throw up in right about now.

"Fuck off," I snapped, shoving him back easily until he was out of the room again.

I locked the door and listened, waiting to see if he had another key. I guessed he didn't because after some mumbling, he started pounding on the door.

"Come on, baby cakes. We could both use a distraction."

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