Chapter 11

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As the morning arrives my eyes begin to flutter as I feel the warmth of Ace's body wrapped around mine, I look down to see myself wearing Ace's white t-shirt. I then blush deeply as I realize my panties lying on the floor. His strong arms then wrap around me as he breaths heavily as he buries his face into my back. I then attempt to pick his hand off me. I quickly try to get up hence the word 'try' I'm then being pulled back into the strong arms "where do you think you're going" he says with a husky and sexy morning voice as he kisses my back causing me to moan slightly.

"Not trying to run away, are we?" he says pulling me underneath him. I bite my lips as he then picks me up causing me to scream "put me down" I say as he then smacks my butt as I gasp "we are going to take a little shower" I then begin to try and get out of his embrace. He then chuckles as he places me in his luxurious bathroom. "Should I take it off, or will you?" he says causing me to gasp. "I-I will... but alone," I say as he eyes me up and down "I'll just sit here and watch," he says as I blush, I then turn to have my back face him as I take off his shirt leaving me standing naked as I bite my lip and open the shower.

I then get lost in the moment as I feel the warmth of the water touch my skin causing me to accidentally let out a moan. I then turn to see Ace holding his d!ck as he bites his lip I gasped slightly as it looked like he wanted to come in but instead he stormed out.

I felt kind of disappointed seeing him leave but then again, I bet he will be even more disappointed when he finds out I've never actually had sex. As I get out and begin to dry off, I see on Instagram that Pierre uploaded a picture a day before fashion week with a caption saying, 'See you at fashion week'. I'm an author... a writer not some glam queen that walks around with heels... and beautiful dresses and whatnot. Just then Ace walks in startling me causing me to drop my phone. "I'm sorry," he says picking up my phone seeing the crack on the screen. "it's ok," I say as he bites his lip and pulls me closer to him by my towel. "Ace, what are you doing," I say while giggling. "I couldn't resist you're just too sexy," he says kissing my lips gently.

"Can I talk to you about something," I say while looking at my phone. He then changes as he becomes more protective "what's wrong, is someone bothering you" he says in an alarming way changing his tone. "no no one's bothering me, but the other day I was on the phone with a Pierre Richard, he was asking me to come to Paris for fashion week" I say as Ace stays silent for a moment "And" he says knowing there's more to the story, something he won't like. "He wants me to go check out the industry and... I kind of want to... go" I say as my voice gets lower and lower. He stays quiet for a few moments. I'm just going to assume he's not going to be happy. Just then I'm being broken out of thought as he turns and calls a number on his phone "Hello, Jane, yes can you contact Brice and let him know that I will be going to him for the meeting, yes thank you" *beep*

I turn as I scrunch my eyebrows wondering what the heck just happened.

"Pack your bags, we're going to Paris."

I scream in happiness as I run and jump on him wrapping my arms and legs around him like the spider monkey I am. On our way to the airport, I was able to pull out my notebook and write some new ideas... just then I sighed deeply... remembering something from my past.

"Hello Mr. Knight, we will be ready for departure in 15 minutes," the man said as he shook Ace's hand "excellent," he said as we boarded "this place is absolutely breath-taking," I say as I look around. "Come take a seat," he says as I sit across from him. "I want to know more about you. Let's play a question game, we simply ask questions and answer them" I say as I'm being passed some water.

I begin to think of a question before I could ask, he then interrupts me "before we start, I have something for you" he says as he pulls out a wrapped gift with a bow on it. "W-what's this," I say as he hands me the box. "My woman can't be walking around with a broken phone," he says as he smiles. My head snaps to him as I realize what he's done. "You... got me a phone why I'm ok with the one I have," I say breathlessly. No one has ever gotten me anything. "Oh yeah, also got you these," he says passing me an even larger box. My eyes practically pop out of my head. "Ace! I can't accept these" I say trying to give them back. "Nonsense, my woman deserves the finest of things." He says as he kisses my hand. "Now let's play that game you were talking about, you go first," he says as I'm still baffled by all the things, he's given me.

"Ok, what motivates you?" I asked causing Ace to smile to himself "I worked hard to get where I am especially for my age, I never had the support and I fell into a dark place during the time there was my one light that pushed me to become the man I am" Ace said, "when did you first decide you wanted to become a writer" he asks as the pilot says that we are almost ready for takeoff and that it's almost time to buckle up. "I was 6 when my family took me to a bookstore, I absolutely loved it," I say as my voice gets quieter thinking about the family... I once had. "That's adorable," he said while he sips his drink then he said something that made me freeze and almost cause me to choke on my drink "what happened to your family?" I almost spilt the drink in my hand. Just a ping sound came on just as the flight attendant began to speak "we are now ready for takeoff, our duration to Paris will be an estimate 7 hours, please enjoy the flight" I begin to feel my stomach drop as I feel the airplane begin to take off.

After about 2 hours of being in the air, I close my laptop taking a break and walk over to Ace who was finishing work.

I then began to think of his question. My family... a word I haven't used in a very long time. "My family and I are ... not on good terms so to say" I look at ace as he gets up and brushes some hairs behind my ears. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he says causing me to smile "No, I want to... I need to" I then sit down as he sits in front of me the more, I seem to tell him the more his eyes grow wide, and his body nearly shakes in anger.

"It all started when I was 10, my family had always wanted me to become something more than a writer, in fact, they thought it was just a phase and I'll get over it because they wanted their prize possession to be a doctor or something that 'brings money' is what they said. As I got older, they started to act weird and crazy. Turns out when I was 16..., I was promised to their friends' son or whatever. When I got to know of this on my 18th birthday I freaked out and they told me I had no choice but to marry him. So, I ran... I ran away taking whatever I could with me. I found a place miles and miles away from them. I was able to save enough money from all the jobs I was working at the time and I was able to get into a good college with the grades... I even got a scholarship. I did everything on my own .... everything" I feel my tears begin to fall "why don't they love me enough rather than giving me away, I have nightmares of them showing up and taking me or even selling me since they weren't far from it" I cry out as Ace holds me in his arms and rocks me back and forth calming me down as I grasp on to him "You're not going anywhere, princess. Your all mine" he says kissing my forehead.

He then gets up taking me down the hall where he clicks a button revealing a bedroom. He then places me on the bed as he takes off his shirt leaving him in his sweatpants. "Sleep baby we still have a while till we land" he whispers as my eyes begin to close. Sleep sounds like an amazing idea.

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