Chapter 2: Their Love Story

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"should we call the imperial doctor? I'm worried for the princess..."

"She's been in there for a while..."

"Maybe we're overthinking! The princess has always been a well behaved child"

"Hm true...ah!"

The maids were discussing about Charlotte, when they heard the door opened. Charlotte's head poked out.

"Um excuse me" Charlotte walked out with her bleeding finger.

"Uhm..I got hurt a little..." She said while showing her bleeding finger.


"Oh my!"

"Oh no! Your highness!"

They all panicked. But Charlotte didn't think it was that serious. I mean it will heal soon, and didn't hurt.

Charlotte was carried to her room by the maids and was treated for her injured finger.

Two of her handmaids, Sarah and Anna were the most worried.

"Your highness, how did you get hurt!?" Sarah asked in worry.

"It's not a big deal..." Charlotte said.

"Of course it's a big deal! Princess's beautiful jade like skin is hurt!" Anna said with tears in her eyes

Charlotte sighed. These two maids are sure devoted...

Charlotte was walking in the hallways of the Princess's palace when she heard a couple of maids gossiping around the corner

"That's true...I mean the princess is intelligent but she is still a female...and the emperor needs a male heir..."

"Don't you think it's strange that the Empress's first child is a daughter? That has never happened before. Usually the first child of the empress would always be a son"

" Well maybe it changed"

"But the royal family received a blessing from the great Saintess bella generations ago that will determine a son as a the first child of the empress"

"maybe the blessing wore off?"

"Hmm maybe..."

"Well whatever the reason seems the empress needs to give birth to a son soon-"

"What are you three doing!? Get back to work!" The head maid disrupted their gossiping and they went back to cleaning.

Charlotte's face darkened. She hated the rule of "only a son can be the heir". Males aren't proven to be more intelligent than females anyway. For example, Charlotte's brother in her past life. He was dumb while Charlotte was smart and talented. But because she was a female, her brother became the heir.

After a moment of silence, Charlotte walked away. Today she would be meeting her economics teacher.

Although she was only a child. It was a must that a noble must start learning at an early age, so they can rule the empire well. As the first princess of the empire, she received the best education a noble lady could ask for.

At her economics class, she shocked her teacher with her skills and intelligence. The teacher couldn't help but be in complete shock and disbelief.

At her manners class, her teacher was also stunned at her elegance and grace. She was a little stunned, but she wasn't surprised. Charlotte has been said to be always formal, polite and graceful. The palace servants even stapled her with the title of 'The Empires little fairy"

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