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Dylan Blake

I did some studying while waiting for dinner without wearing any pants for some unknown reason. Instead, I had my green boxers on.

I heard a knock on the door and when the person entered, I covered my stomach with a pillow when I saw that it was Nate.

"What are you doing?"I asked angrily as it was embarrassing for him to see me not wearing any pants.

"Dinner is ready."He pointed out, "Your father invited me over."

"I'll be down in a minute, "I mumbled.

"Those are nice shorts, by the way."He winked at me and left, making me blush from the embarrassment.

I then put my pants on and went downstairs where Nate was sitting next to Brad and Bella's best friend, Maya sat on her right while on the left, Ryan was there.

"Grab a plate, buddy."My father instructed, "This pasta might just be the best thing I've ever created, apart from you three of course."

"It's not that good," Bella whispered,

"I heard that."My father mentioned.

"Come and sit next to me, dude."Nate gestured for me to sit on the chair next to him.

I nodded and sat next to him before grabbing a napkin and wipe the plate clean. Everyone stared at me, except for my family and Nate, who were used to seeing that. After I was done with the plate, they probably taught that I was finished but then, I went on to wipe the spoon and fork.

"Just eat your food."Brad groaned,
"Everything is already clean."

"You don't know that, "I muttered.

"Just let him do whatever he wants."My father interjected and Brad shrugged before continuing to eat his food.

"It's okay to be a little weird if you're comfortable with it," Nate whispered in my ear,

I nodded as a sign of "thank you" with a weak smile and finally started to put some food on my plates.


"How did you even get my number?"I asked Nate.

We were sitting together outside of the house because Nate was getting sick of the gang and he rather hangs out with me.

"Brad gave it to me."He mentioned,
"But I could have easily guessed it if I wanted to."

"You are Sherlock, aren't you?"I joked.

"What?"He asked confusedly.

"Because you said that you were...when you texted me...Never mind, it's stupid."

"No," He chuckled, "I remember. I just never heard you make a joke before."

"I don't know how to reply to that."
I said bluntly.

"That's cute."He smiled widely.

"What is?"

"You just said what's on your mind again."He pointed out, "That's cool."

"It's not that big of a deal."I rolled my eyes, "You're the cool one here."

"How so?"He asked.

"You're Nate Carter, do I need any more explanation? You play football, girls go crazy for you, you drive that awesome-looking car, and haven't you seen yourself in the mirror."

"I'm not as cool as you think I am."He said seriously, "I have my baggages."

"I don't believe that."I added, "You just seem...Perfect."

He was about to say something but his phone rang and he brought his index finger to my face before taking his phone out from his pocket and picked it up.

"Hey, love."He said on the phone,
"Yeah, I'll be there in just a bit."He waited for the other person to say something before he finally replied, "Okay, anything else you want? Some fries or coke?"He waited for a few more seconds before saying, "I love you, goodbye."

I love you?

You only say that to someone when you're in love or to your family member.
I heard somewhere that he was not that close with his family so it must have been his girlfriend.

I didn't know why but I suddenly got upset over the taught.

"I should head to bed, it's getting late, "I mumbled.

"Yeah, okay."He nodded, "I need to go home anyway. Tell your siblings that I'm going."

"Will do."I nodded and waved him goodbye before getting into the house.


"Try putting this on, "Bella instructed with Maya next to her. Everyone has already left and Maya was staying over again.

They used to dress me up all the time as kids and they haven't stopped since then.

"I wanna go to sleep."I groaned,

"Just try it on."Maya said softly, "You'll look cute in it."

I sighed and put the brown V-Neck shirt on.

"I look terrible."I pouted out.

"It matches your eyes," Maya said and stood in front of the mirror with me,
"Just imagine if you dress up like this at school. Girls will be lining up to come and see you."

"I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable in this."I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

Bella and Maya exchanged looks at each other, "Fine, "Bella sigh, "You don't have to wear them."

"Okay."I said awkwardly, "I'm going to bed now."

"Would you consider making an Instagram account?"Bella asked as I was about to walk away.

"Social media creeps me out."I reminded.

"What are you so scared of?"Maya asked softly, "Everyone has it."

"What is going on?"I finally asked, "Why all of the sudden, you guys want me to change my clothing and start an Instagram account?"

"Look, Dylan, "Bella started, "I don't how to say this but...You need to be more popular."

"Excuse me?"I asked angrily,

"Do you know how hard it is for me to explain to other people the reason  that my little brother isn't as cool or trendy as Brad and I?"

"Bella, "Maya stopped her, "Stop."

"I'm sorry," Bella calmed down, "I don't expect you to be cool overnight, Dylan but at least try."

I didn't reply to her and instead walked to my room with a big frown on my face.

I passed by my dad and ignored him,"Remember to study for your-"
He tried to say buy I stormed inside my room and shut the door from behind me.

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