Strong arms

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Toph tried to dry her feet so that her vision wouldn't be blurry anymore. She slowly got up , her towel still wrapped around her and her long black hair was all over the place. Suddenly, Sokka burst into the ladies changing room.

" TOPH ARE YOU ALRIGHT !?" Sokka asked and froze.

" SOKKA ?!" Toph screamed.

He stared at her and his whole head blushed. Toph didn't really know what to do and just stood there facing Sokka's direction. After a while she realised that she just had a towel that barely covered her body. She blushed secretly freaking out.

' ...AHHHHH ... so embarrassing... WHY IS HE STILL STARING...' Toph thought while she held her towel closer to her body.

" You little freaks ! " screamed the little old lady that owns the hot springs.

On her right hand she holds her sandal. She has a hump in her back and is very small but that doesn't change the fact that she is very fast and determined to harm any man that tries to sneak into the ladies changing room or look at them without their permission. She jumps onto Sokka and knocks him out with her tiny sandal.

" What is g-going on !?" Toph stuttered and her cheeks were still red.

" I can't talk right now ! I need to focus !" the old lady said while she closed her eyes.

" Sokka ? Where are yo-" Aang said.

The hot spring owner suddenly turned around and threw her sandal right at Aang's face. She used so much force that Aang fell on his back.  She takes the other sandal on her feet and runs towards Katara and the stranger , that peeked at the girls.

" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU !" Katara shouted at the stranger.

" You little creep ... this will be the last time that you will visit my precious hot springs." the old lady said with a very threatening tone in her voice.

" I- I just wanted to have a look not more hehehe." the men giggled while his nose started bleeding a bit.

" You are beyond disgusting !" Katara said while she used one hand to slap him and the other to hold her towel.

" Don't worry , I will take care of him." the lady said with a grin in her face.

Katara went to see how Toph is doing.

" Sokka you idiot ! Wake up !" Toph said while she tried to shake him awake.

Sokka slowly wakes up after getting knocked out by the hot spring owner. He sees Toph right above his head. He looks her directly into her eyes and thought about how Toph doesn't even know how he looks like. She genuinely likes him because of his personality not because of his looks or because of his body. He started training with Zuko after war and many asked him why, as he was already a skilled fighter. He would always say that he is doing it to impress Suki and to get a bit stronger. He didn't have the skinny arms anymore like he used to have during the war. He still thought about the moment when he was on the airship with Toph.

That was the first time he saw her cry as she was fearing for her life. Toph was always acting like an independent , strong and determined woman. No fears or flaws. Sokka always admired her confidence in her bending skills but he knew that even a powerful earth bender like her is sometimes scared. He held her hand as if it would be the most important thing in the world right now. The airship was about to crash into the deep ocean and he thought that they would die together but luckily Suki came to rescue them. He was glad that in the end , everything turned out fine but he still thought about it a lot. His arms were weak. He almost lost one of the most important people in his life just because he wasn't strong enough.

The truth is that he never trained to impress anyone or to look more attractive, he trained to protect his love ones. He trained so that next time , he would hold onto Toph and safe her himself. All he could see right now is her and her cute face. A strand of Toph's jet-black hair was covering a part of her face. Sokka tugged it behind her ear, gently which made her blush even more. He smiled while he continued looking at her.

" Let's get out of here !" Katara said with an angry voice.   

She grabbed Toph and disappeared to get change and then get back to the palace as soon as possible. Aang slowly regained his consciousness and looked around.

" What happened ?" Aang asked and rubbed his head.

" Let's go home." Sokka said calmly and got up.

* meanwhile with Toph and Katara *

They both got dressed and immediately went back to the palace. Zuko saw how furious Katara looked. Her clothes were soaking wet and she smelled sweaty.

" Woa are you guys ok ?" Zuko asked.

" Don't even talk to me." Katara said and went inside the palace.

Zuko looked at Toph and raised an eyebrow. She shrug her shoulders and slowly walked into the palace.

" One of your weird citizens spied on us while we were in the hot springs." Toph said and continued walking.

Zuko walks behind her and is surprised that she is so unbothered.

" Oh well, I will take take of that ! Are you ok ?" Zuko asked carefully.

" I'm fine to be honest it was kinda funny." Toph said and giggled.

' actually was kinda funny ...but ... Sokka saw me with only a towel ... ' Toph thought , blushed and then ran to her room.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophWhere stories live. Discover now