Chapter 11: Pale Faces

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I groaned as I sat up. My head felt like elephants had decided to use it as a ballroom to dance a style that seemed like a cross of tap dancing and ballet. I clutched my head in my hands and stumbled into the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face, instantly feeling a little bit more alert and I stumbled down the stairs, muttering darkly. I remembered exactly what had transpired yesterday but I did not want to relive it. Especially in front of others.

I staggered into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I turned around and yelped, which caused a shooting pain to go through my head. I looked at all the boys with tired eyes and Aiden handed me a couple of painkillers and left to go somewhere while I swallowed them with water. I sat down in front of them and waited for the painkillers to kick in.

I looked up when I finally felt that the silence was going to kill me. They were staring at me furiously, their lips drawn into a thin line. The older guys were sitting while the youngest four were standing.

"What the hell was that? That was extremely-"

"Irresponsible? Stupid? Uncharacteristic? Scary? I agree." I cut him off tiredly and their faces slackened in surprise before their features softened.

"Why did you do it, princesa? What happened to you that made you want to drown your sorrows in alcohol?" Dad asked and as the memories played in a loop in my mind, my throat closed up. There was an oppressive weight on my chest and I tried and failed to draw a breath. My vision swam with unshed tears as I relived the two worst nights of my life. I felt faint and I heard distant voices saying something before I felt someone holding my shoulders and their strong voice guiding my breaths. I put my hand on the person's chest and matched the breaths to the heartbeat and soon my vision cleared and I could breathe properly. The boy in front of me was Javier who had a grim look on his face. Aiden, who had come back sometime while I was having the panic attack, was crouching on my other side, his face white as he stared at me.

The rest were looking at me in horror. They did not know the extent of the damage that one question could do to me. Aiden started yelling at them how he had warned them not to try to pry the information out of me and how they were the reason I was having a panic attack. I hadn't said a word and neither had Javier who had handed me a glass of water and was looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

Aiden was still ranting when I put a hand on his arm. He looked down at me and the anger in his face disappeared as he looked at me, concerned. I gave him a small smile and he relaxed.

"Lex? You want to explain?" He asked in a low voice that nobody but Javier heard. I shook my head in denial and he nodded. He said something to the others in a hushed voice and their eyes flickered to me as they nodded. I just ignored them and laid my head on the table. For some reason I was still light headed.

"Do you want to skip school today? Take a rest day?" Dad asked in a concerned tone. I shook my head and he nodded. He got up and announced that he had to get to work with Damien and Samuel. All of them came up to me and pressed a kiss to my hair before leaving. The rest of them slowly went back to what they were doing before. I went back upstairs and pulled on the uniform we were all required to wear. The uniform was nice. Much better than some of the others I had seen. Horrifying. A/N I speak from experience. Our uniforms were horrific. It made even the best looking girls look as unflattering as possible.

I made my way back down and followed Aiden to his car as usual. I just looked out of the passenger side window as he drove, occasionally glancing at him. We pulled into the school and we got out together. As soon as we got out, we were surrounded my chattering brothers. They didn't bring up the events of the morning and I was beyond happy and relieved.

We got to our first class for today which happened to be music for me. I headed in the direction with Hayden who was also a music prodigy. He made a little small talk but mostly kept quiet when he saw my quiet demeanor. We entered the room and my eyes were immediately drawn not to the beautiful piano that took the place of honour but to the beautiful guitar in the corner. It was bone white and had a beautiful sketch of a city on the lower portion, seemingly done with black ink. I gravitated towards it on my own and I reached my hand out to touch it, mesmerised with its beauty when a sharp voice made me jump.

"Excuse me, miss. But we will be focusing on the piano. No one touches the guitars." A prim woman, who looked like she had a stick taped to her backbone. Hayden frowned at her but I just went back to my spot beside him in the circle that had been formed on the floor. I saw quite a few people but I couldn't be bothered to actually make an effort to remember their names or features. The class passed without any more incidents and somehow before I had even comprehended what was happening, I was heading to lunch with Andre beside me, his arm around me as he guided me to the lunch.

I stepped inside with him and Aiden on my other side. I looked up in front of me and froze. The blood drained from my face as I was hit with the flashbacks as soon as the boy's eyes connected with mine. The others around me stopped when they saw me frozen and Aiden followed my gaze to the boy standing in front of us, but I just registered that in some distant part of my brain. I could feel Andre try to snap me out of it but I could focus on nothing else. Terror, disbelief, guilt and anger coursed through me when the boy snapped out of the trance he was in and stepped towards us. The green eyes that haunted my nightmares stared at me from across the room. He strode forward and reached out to me and his hand brushed a strand of hair away from my face. So I did the only logical thing I could.

I screamed.

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