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Before I could realize it, the boat had already kicked off once again. A shiver of excitement ran down my spine as we launched off the boat when it picked up speed. A winch, which seemed much like a fishing pole, lifted the chute from the boat so smoothly that we were in the air even before I knew it!

Adrenaline surged through my body as we soared over the pristine ocean. The sound of the boat's roaring slowly faded away as we ascended higher and higher and was replaced by June's whoops now. I joined in too; for some reason, the fun doubles when you begin cheering your heart out.

"How you feeling?"

Kelvin had to ask the question twice before I could hear it properly amidst the song of nature.

"Heavenly," I replied with bated breath.

That's the only word I could think of at that moment.

The boat beneath us appeared to get smaller and smaller as the whole coastline came into view. Suddenly, I could see so much more than the trees, the buildings, and the landmarks that normally confined my views on the ground. The world felt like a much larger and more impressive place from this height. I had experienced something similar during plane journeys, but this one was completely different. I was flying on my own this time, literally feeling a part of the birds flying past me. The wind on my face, nature's whimsy at 700 feet above sea level, and the sheer thrill of being able to look deep into the water from such an angle-nothing felt less than magical.

Life seemed so beautiful.

The fact that I was experiencing the most breathtaking experience of my life with these two people whom I had just met a few weeks back was sort of funny. Now I was sure that I wasn't afraid of falling because I knew they would catch me if I fell. Like they did in real life, in the past two weeks.

We remained at that height for a few minutes before the crew let us free fall into the sea.

"There comes the best part!" Jonas exclaimed.

A chilling sensation numbed my skin as my toes touched the cold water. The crew members somehow gave us just as much water we wanted, although some of it splashed till my knees. I was playing with the water using my feet just like a child. Kelvin and Jonas initially laughed at my antic, but eventually they imitated it too. I held Kelvin and June's hand firmly on both sides as we levitated to 700 feet once again. This time we three screamed in joy together. We glided in the air for a few more minutes before the winch gently reeled us back to the boat's deck.

I didn't want it to end already.

The same man who had fastened our harness earlier now helped us undo it. Frank showed us some pictures that he had captured in his DSLR during our parasailing. I smiled as I realized that these were our first pictures together.

A great memory, indeed.

Kelvin and Frank took out their credit cards to pay the parasailing company after they had dropped us safely back to the shore. It must have been expensive.

Well, the experience was totally worth it though.

Frank had some urgent work, so he bid us adieu shortly afterward as he prepared to leave. I noticed Samantha whispering a separate goodbye to Kelvin before departing, but I tried to pretend that I didn't see it.

"Wanna dive?" Jonas asked out of nowhere after they were gone.

"Dive?" I reiterated with a gulp.

"Actually I-" I muttered, but then paused. "Actually, let's just do it."

"You sure?" Kelvin asked with his eyebrows raised.

It felt like days now since he hadn't raised them.

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