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Life can be so unpredictable sometimes. Like a rush hour, she mused.

You get what you get.

One second you're in love, the next second you're heartbroken.

Nothing is ever constant. It keeps evolving.

"Your beacon is on fire." Rosette's voice filtered in her mind , making her jump out of her skin.

She was dreaming again wasn't she ?!

Quickly, she glanced down at the beacon cooking and sighed in relief.

It so wasn't burning.

"Scaring you is fun ." Rosette chuckled." What's on your almond mind? Spill." She urged while cleaning her station, bending down and picking the scraps of onions in her palm.

If only spilling was that easy. .

She smiled sadly thanking the lord above that Rosette couldn't see her face because she was picking up scraps of food from the floor.

"I'm afraid I might overspill." Rita tried to laugh but honestly it got choked in her throat.

"I'm ready for it. Get it off of your chest , honeybunch."

Well, Rita thought for a minute.

She had no one beside her in this town, all she had were some fantasies and a guy who was so out of reach , so out of her league that she couldn't even wish to have him.

But the heart want what it wants. .

"If the guy you love...don't love you back then what should you do?" Rita asked flipping the beacon on the other side, kitchen filling up with the noise of oil sizzling up.

Rosette's working hands stopped and she glanced up at her , a thoughtful look on her chubby face.

"To be honest, I would say you're wasting your time. One sided love is a big no no. .but," she pursed her lips., " I also get that you can't control your heart . .hell! I have still got the hots for my school crush but that's beside the point, " she waved her hand.," The whole point of love is to see the other person happy right? So whatever and whomever they choose beside you , " she shrugged her shoulders, " be happy for them. "

Rita nodded, dishing out the beacon on a sparkling white plate.

"Say . .are ya talking about that hot ass guy ? He don't love ya ?" Rosette asked curiously , standing up.

Bull's eye!

Rita turned towards her, her almond eyes had the you're-right look.

Honestly, she didn't know what to say because life had always been cruel towards her. First whoring out, then falling in love, then getting out of the gutter and now this. .

At least she had the rights to her vagina now. .she thought bitterly.

Rosette  placed her beefy hand on Rita's shoulder , she had a grim look on her ruddy face.

"Rita, do not fall in this rabbits hole, child. There are good guys out there ready to die for you. Do not put yourself through bullshit like that. Remember , you're no Alice who found her way back through the hole. This is real life. The real deal. Real shit."

That was the first and probably the last time Rita had seen her so serious so worried for her sake.

Her heart warmed up a little and she covered her hand with hers.

"I'll try. .to move on."

"Atta girl!"

Rosette got back to her station , whistling her favorite tune. .giving Rita a smile .

The Curious Case Of Dennis (Boys From Hell #1)Where stories live. Discover now