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Chapter 38: (Olivia's POV)

We woke up the next day together, dreading the day because we weren't going to spend it together. From the moment we both woke up, he went his way, I went mine. I went to my bathroom, he left for his place. And then after breakfast downstairs, when I went outside to leave for school, our eyes met in our driveways. My phone started ringing in my hands so I answered it. 

He was the one calling me. "Can I at least drive you?" he asked while unlocking his car and tossing his bag inside. 

"It's too risky, what if someone sees us pulling up and me getting out of your car?" I asked while tossing my bag into my dad's car. I borrowed it for the day. 

"This is weird. First, we wanted everyone to see us together, now we're hiding," he groaned, looking straight at me. 

"It's only for a day, that too just till after school. After that, you can come over, or I can come over," I glanced at him, leaning my elbow on the car. 

"Oh?" he smirked. 

"My parents are going off to work, Cher is leaving for her flight in a couple of hours, I'll be home alone," I sang. 


I snapped out of it, turning to my dad who stood in front of me. "Yes, dad?" I asked. 

"I don't want one scratch on the car, you hear me?" he asked, looking back and forth between me and Ethan, silently shaking his head. 

"I'm a fantastic driver, dad," I rolled my eyes in response. 

"Have a good day," he kissed the side of my head before leaving with my mother. 

"Bye, Cher," I said, walking up to her and stealing a hug. "Have a safe flight and stop by on your way back to New York if you can, okay?" I asked. 

"I'll try my best darling, mwah!" she gave me a loud kiss on my cheek. 

"Bye," I sang before filing into the car. 

"Bye, doll," she grinned, waving at me in her pajamas, a bowl of cereal in her hands. 

I got into the car and connected my phone to the Bluetooth, realizing I was still on a call with Ethan. "We're really just going to steer completely clear of each other today?" he asked. 

"Uh, yeah," I said while pulling my seatbelt on and pulling the seat closer to the wheel. "And I made arrangements," I stated. 

"What arrangements?" he asked, both of us starting the drive at the same time, my car behind his since the drive was heading down the road. 

"During the last period, Annabelle has been asked to teach elementary students a dance routine. Their teacher is on maternity leave and their substitute joins tomorrow. So, they asked Annabelle and... me." 

"You? Dancing?" he asked. 

"You haven't seen me dance. I used to dance in freshman year for the school team. Annabelle joined and then uh, I left because she's a bitch," I said quickly, "Anyway, we're teaching the class together. I wonder how that's gonna go but whatever, try seeing if you can be there to make it obvious that we've broken up, that way she'll have something to tell Justin," I said. 

"During the last period?" 

"Yes, sir," I sighed, my eyes trained on the road as we turned. 

"Okay, I'll be there," he replied. 


Then the last period rolled around and oh, my lord. She is possessed by some sort of demon for fucking sure. 

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