When He's Ready

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I walk from my crumbling mate. His words ringing in my ears. There's nothing more than a want then to take him in my arms and never let him go. To love him like I should do. I hate the words he spoke. The tears he shed.

Even drunk and crying, he's the most gorgeous being on earth. It took everything in me not to wipe away every tear that fell from his eyes.

I felt a tear fall, wiping it away, I watch as my mate runs out the door. I wanted to follow him, but I couldn't. Not until I settle my past.

I walk up the stairs to my room. Falling face first on my day. I fall asleep with dreams of my mate.

I'm shaken awake my Zairian. Groaning, I roll over then I sit up. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Kiel's missing!"

"What do you mean Kiel's missing?" My brain can't comprehend things in the morning.

"He never came back last night or this morning! Zairian pause, a fearful look on his face. "Mau, what if they have him?"

That has me jumping up, still in my clothes and shoes from last night. I run out the room with Zairian behind me.

Running down the stairs, I see Kiel's family. Kellin has tears running down his cheeks and grasping Austen's hand.

The pack is crowded around. Seeing Zairian and I, they look with eager faces. Zairian turns to Kiel's friends.

"Check every place you know he visits!" Zairian orders his friends. They nod their heads before running out of the house.

"Everyone else check the woods!" We all run into the woods. The wolves shift, the fae runs.

I run into the woods with the wolves and fae. Using my magic, I focus on showing Kiel's scent. Emerald green smoke waves through my fingertips.

Wiggling them, Kiel's scent becomes visible. His scent color is a misty silver. Seeing that it waves through the trees. The wolves and fae including me follows the trail.

I lead the group with Zairian beside me. Kiel's scent leads us to a lake and and waterfall, his scent dives into the water, then disappears.

Zaria comes forward. She closes her eyes, putting her hand in the water. "There's a cave behind the waterfall. It can only be reach from a pathway under the water. He's there sobbing."

She opens her eyes. "He's in so much pain."

Everyone looks at me. I lower my head knowing it's all my fault, but I have to keep him safe. I can't let them hurt him like they did the others.

"We know why you can't be with him. Don't be so hard on yourself. He'll understand one day." Zairian tries to comfort me, but it's not working.

With my head still bent, I speak. "Did you not hear his words from last night? I'm causing him to die inside."

I look everyone in the eyes. "Do you not see the pain hidden behind his eyes and smile. Like he's dying a little each day." I feel a tear fall from my eye, as I fall to my knees. "That's because of me!"

Kellin steps forward, he wraps his arms around me. "You're protecting my son. My baby. I know the pain both of you goes through everyday. But you're keeping him safe. Think of that when the pain becomes too much."

"Everything will work out, I promise." Zaria lifts my head. "Let's give Kiel some time. He'll come out when he's ready."

I nod my head, standing I walk slowly back to the pack house. My steps are slow and sluggish. My feet reluctant to leave Kiel.

It's painful everyday watching him. I watched as each day from the day I met him, his smile becoming more fake and more pain filled.

What hurts the most is that I am the cause of that painful smile.

He can try to hide the hurt he feels, but I can see through it. I can see through the fake smiles and laughs. I can see the pain behind his eyes as the light leaves them.

There's nothing more that I want then him. But I have to keep him safe. I want him to stay innocent and naive. I don't want him to know the cruelness of the world. I want to protect him from all of it.

But am I doing the right thing my keeping away?

I sure hope so.

Tell me what you think of this chapter. Are you for or against Mau staying away?

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