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It's been weeks since Skye fell into a coma. Haven decided to take him home at their penthouse. They assigned a nurse to help Haven in monitoring Kye. And the doctor will visit to check on him. Haven took leave but if it is important that needed his attention, he just works at home. He wanted to be there when Skye wakes up.

He is the one who cleans Skye's body. Because, damn...he is possessive of his hubbywife. He is also the one who does the physical therapy of Skye.Like stretching his legs and arms, so that even if Skye's still sleeping, his limbs will not stiffen much. He's always on his side and if not, you can find him in his study room. But later on, he made their bedroom his study.

Weeks turned to months...Haven know he needed to go back to work but he chose to work from home. His colleagues understand him. He is now sitting on the bed beside his baby typing on his laptop when he noticed that Skye's forefinger move. He stops what he's doing and waits for it to move just to make sure. When it moved, he put aside his laptop and took his Baby's hand to his while his other hand is caressing Skye's hair.

'Baby? Can you hear me ?..... Nurse!.'

Soon, the nurse entered their room and he told her what happened. The nurse told him to keep talking to him.

'Skye, my love...if you can hear me, can you move your finger again?' he said hoping. After a minute without getting a response...Skye's finger moves again. Haven try again and this time, Kye responded to him. His eyes start watering. He kissed his Baby's forehead while whispering sweet things.

'That's my baby..you're strong Skye...Your Haven is here...You're safe...You can wake up now...' he keeps whispering while kissing his cheeks in between.

The nurse called the doctor about Skye's progress. Before dinner, the doctor came to check Skye. Everything is normal but still, Skye is not waking up. When the doctor left, the nurse excused herself too and go to the guest room where she stays. Haven went to their bedroom. He lies down on his side of the bed sideways. He is staring at his hubby lovingly. He snuggled closer to Kye, his face on the crook of his neck.

'Baby...tomorrow I need to go to the office. But I promise It won't take long. Just need to settle something.'

Sighs...Haven kissed his hubby goodnight.

'Come back to me baby. I love you.'

He whispered before drifting to dreamland. Unbeknown to him, Skye's lips twitched like someone smiling in his dream.

In four months, Skye and Haven will celebrate their first anniversary. Sadly, his sleeping beauty is still sleeping no matter how many times he kissed him.

'Son, your first anniversary is coming up.' his mom reminded him. He looks at them sadly. Their parents are now in their penthouse visiting them.

'I know Mom..but what can I do? It seems like my Skye is enjoying his time to wherever he is now.' he said sadly.

'Don't say that son. I know my son will come back to you. You're his real haven remember?' his father-in-law encouraged him.

'I hope so. Because if not, I don't know what I'll do.' their parents are hoping for their sons' happiness. They deserve to be happy. They are just victims of the past.

Their parents stayed till dinner to accompany Haven. The nurse is no longer staying at the penthouse. She taught Haven the basic things to do for Skye. After bidding goodbye to their parents, he went to their bedroom and kissed Kye's forehead before going to the bathroom. Finishing his night routine, he settled beside his Baby and didn't forget to tell him how much he is missing his hubby and telling him how much he loves him before sleeping.

Skye's Haven (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz