[Chapter 40] "Super Noodle"

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(Azass) - "You six, get him. As for us, Hikari, this isn't the reunion I was hoping for. You two, take care of the Dragonborn. I'll take care of Hikari."

(Dragonborn) - "Well, shit, it looks like I'm up then."

With that, Hikari took the first step.



*Alderam P.O.V.*

As I fly out towards the dungeon entrance, I look behind me to see six dragons that are chasing me. I am faster, but they shouldn't be this fast. Taking a quick look at their stats, I see that they are all relative to each other and are all around the level of Parthenia, if not weaker.

Damnit! This is just like how I left Parthenia when I was too weak to defeat Leo! Everyone in this world other than Hikari and the Dragonborn has either feared me or understood my power, but that silver dragon didn't even bat an eye at me. It was like I was complete trash in his eyes.

What worries me more is that I couldn't appraise him, meaning that he has a higher level of [Conceal Status] than my appraisal. The only one now that stands a chance is the Dragonborn and Hikari.

My children are ridiculously strong, Hikari could defeat me easily, and this Azass guy is much stronger. I now understand one thing that hasn't crossed my mind in ages.

I am weak.

My thoughts get broken up when I sense a fireball headed straight for me. Shit, I can't fight carrying all of these kids with me.

I dodge the flame and decide to land on a rocky plane that just so happens to be in front of me. When I land the kids get off of me, and I put the scale cloth to the side.

(Alderam) - "I don't want to fight you, so leave before you will do something you will regret."

(Dragon) - "Move it, we are here for the God-kin, even if it costs us our life. You are unworthy to raise such a being. That honor belongs to lord Azass."

What!? Why do they want Tiamat?

(Alderam) - "Hate to break it to you lizard, but lord Azhole won't get the chance to after Hikari is done with him."

(Dragon 2) - "Fool, you have no idea what lies behind you right now. That child will be able to destroy the world if not raised correctly. If you don't hand him over willingly and if he won't come out, then we will need to exterminate him before he becomes more powerful."

The temperature all around them all drops. Alderam speaks with a murderous gaze.

(Alderam) - "I will be the first to admit that I am very lenient when it comes to harming people. You can call me weak, cowardly, and many other names, and I will probably just ignore it. However, if you even think about killing someone close to me, I will kill you. I've almost lost someone close to me in the past, and I don't plan on having the same thing happen twice."

(Dragon) - "Well, that is a shame considering that lady Hikari will most likely be killed in their fight. Lord Azass is very thorough and serious when it comes to matters like this. Be grateful dark dragon, that our Lord hasn't come for you personally. If he d--"

Before the dragon could get out his next words, he went flying towards the mountain.

(Alderam) - "If we're going to fight, let's fight. Stop sucking his dick already."

Damn, this is going to be tough. I could easily take down someone of Parthenia's level, but 6 at the same time might be too much for me if I'm being completely honest.

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