Chapter 18

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            The Dupont home looked as brooding and melancholic as ever as I pulled up that afternoon. I parked on the smooth stone driveway as usual and climbed out with my purse slung across my shoulder and my phone in my hand. I rang up Alexis and leaned against my car.

          She answered quietly. "Hello?"

         "It's Evie Harper. I'm outside. I wanted to ask some questions."

          "Sorry, I'm not home."

          "Oh..." That's what I get for being spontaneous.

          "My sister's there, I think."

          This might be my only chance to question Destiny. "Alright."

         "Don't forget to keep me posted, Ms. Harper."

          "Of course." My finger hovered over the end call button before I remembered the question I wanted to ask her specifically. "Oh, one more thing. I was wondering if I could search your mother's office."

          It had occurred to me on the drive over that whatever business Diana had, Robert was involved. It might be prudent, then, to find out what I can.

          "Sorry. Lawyer said to lock down all moms' important documents. We're going through this weekend to box up anything relevant to our case but until then he didn't want anyone messing with it."

          Damn. "Alright. I'll call if I find out anything."

          As I tried to stuff my phone down into an overstuffed purse (I really need to clean this thing out) the phone buzzed with activity. I checked the caller I.D and almost threw my phone against the stone underfoot out of frustration. Remember Evie, boyfriends can be annoying, but phones are expensive—and this one's not paid off yet.

         There was an edge to my voice when I answered. "Yeah?"

          "Evie! You answered!" Manny's relief seemed to breathe through the line.

          "Listen. You have to stop calling."

          There was a level of pleading in his voice I'd never heard before. "You can't just end it like this."

          "I could. But I'm not breaking up with you."

          "You're not?"

          I sighed deep and started my walk up the driveway. "I just need a couple days. You got to chill, okay. Respect my need for space."

           "Okay." There was an awkward pause as he searched for the right words. "For the record, I'm sorry."

          I rung the doorbell. "I know. For the record I'm not mad anymore. But next time I see you we need to talk about that shit."


          "Now, stop playing on my phone."

          "Okay," He laughed.

          Damn it. I didn't mean to make him laugh. Why is it so hard for me to stay mad? Why can't I keep my tone firm? Why can't I not be cute?

          Most days my inherent cuteness was a benefit to me in every way except getting constantly carded. But then there were moments when I tried to be stern and no one took me seriously because of these doe eyes, round face, and dimples.

          Sometimes I want to scream; I'm not twelve, I'm twenty-eight! Respect me!

          Deep breath. I'll deal with him later. For now, I need to focus on the task at hand. It was unlikely that Destiny had had a part in Malik's conspiracy but there was a chance she'd seen something that could help me crack this case.

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