Chapter 20- The 4th Galaxy

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I've revealed my zodiac sign on my channel now (I upload about the signs in Gacha, my channel is Moonie Gamer) This chapter was supposed to be done on my birthday, but meh. It's finally Sag's Pov aswell.

Chapter's song:


Sagittarius' POV

My bags were already packed, regardless of how messy mine and Aries' dorm was like, as we were finally ready to leave to the 4th galaxy of Bangladesh! It is Cancer's galaxy and is full of beaches, marine life and different types of seafood that sold out there. Bangladesh was known for their magnificent seafood, populating in crabs as it is part of their traditional cuisine.

Personally, I don't fancy sea food. Especially fish, I feel like scowling at the sight of fish on my plate! Cancer however, she absolutely loves seafood which I find amusing, but then again, she had different taste buds, and she grew up around sea life so that might be the reason to why she'd like seafood.

"Are you done packing" Aries asked as she walked in, I nodded in response

"Are you? I mean, we're going to be staying there for atleast a week. I have swimsuits packed incase we have to do water activities such as jetskiing!" I said excitedly as Aries scrunched her face in disgust

"Jetskiing? No thank you. I'll be hiding the apartments" Aries shrieked

"It doesn't hurt to include yourself in sports for once, I mean, you always skip pe!" I complained as Aries rolled her eyes

"I hate pe tho. And I can't stand beaches, we've only discovered 5% of the ocean, the other 95% could be full of dangerous sea creatures! I'm not willing to put my life at risk." Aries stated

"Girl, you grew up in the 1st galaxy of Switzerland. Don't you know how cold it is there?!" I exclaimed

"I mean.. it isn't that cold." She stopped to think for a second

"Not to mention, there's like 4 different languages they speak there. French, German.. what else?" I wondered

"French, German, Italian and Romansh." Aries said in a matter-of-factly

"Which ones do you speak? That's a lot of languages they've got there" I raised an eyebrow

"German and French.. I wasn't taught Italian or Romansh. I grew up speaking German and French depending on the citiy I lived in." Aries said hesitantly frowned for a second, she changed her expression quickly. Everytime I brang up her home and family life, she'd suddenly freeze and wouldn't be able to form words nor speak without stuttering.

"However.. I prefer speaking in German, especially for cursing matters.." she muttered

"Are you okay? You seem a bit dazed" I questioned

"I'm fine. It's just private matters, which I'd like to keep to myself" Aries responded

"Hey guys!" Gemina walked in as she ran up to me, hugging me as I returned the gesture.

"So are any of you excited? I really want to see the shops!" She exclaimed as I smiled, whereas Aries shrugged

"I don't want to get sunburnt!" Aries complained as Gemina chuckled

"It won't be that bad, we'll be at the beach all week, in sunny weather" Gemina explained

"I know, but I don't want to look as red my hair. And I wouldn't want creeps staring at me." Aries glanced away

"Creeps? Don't worry! You'd probably roast them or let your anger issues get the best of you which might result into them getting beat up" I stated

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