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In a forgotten corner of The Ark, overlooked by the watch, rested ten budget cryo chambers belonging to impoverished humans barely able to afford the journey.

The Cloud loomed above the creatures, observing every minute detail. The creatures they watched were much like the rest. The only one of the creatures that seemed fluently animated was the one previously approaching them. When they attempted to communicate with it, it used one of its tools to launch metal through it.

While not able to understand exactly what it meant, The Cloud did measure the creature's reaction as unwelcoming.

Half of the chambers rested on each side of a large, blinking box crammed inside the rectangular room. The Cloud studied the creatures in awe. Physical life was so rare, and overbearingly difficult to understand. They were determined to take a more cautious approach to studying them, unlike the last batch that passed through decades ago.

They quickly determined the best method of study would be to inhabit one of the creatures in an attempt to better communicate with the one that moved freely. Out of the ten, one seemed more promising to animate. Its interior was warm, unlike the rest. It also made a puffing motion, while the others slowly cracked

Wisping into the cryo chamber, The Cloud drowned themself inside the creature's limp body. Eyes creaked open as adrenaline rose, both concepts the sentient space-time disruption didn't yet understand. Violent lights blared inside the chamber, and then the glass door wheezed as it unlatched.

Hearing was intriguing. Seeing through the two white orbs was equally new, and quite educational. Understanding the creatures better, the host unfortunately began to fight against them.

One of the host's limbs reached the upper portion of the sphere resting on the cylinder. Its hole moved as it exhaled. The Cloud deduced that the sphere was the creature's primary operating system.

Not wanting to cause their subject any harm, The Cloud exited its body. When doing so, the creature released acidic liquid from its noisy hole. They wished they could have heard, and understood what this meant. Perhaps it was a hostile action in an attempt to ward them off? Unlikely, especially with how inefficient it seemed to be performing.

Perceiving the other native approaching through ample distortions in the false atmosphere, The Cloud rose until it could not be seen by the white orbs. They wished to observe the two creatures interacting without being a variable themself.

"Rebecca," they grasped, paying close attention to the movements from the creature's hole.

"Mike?" they understood. The free one called the previously still one "Mike" and the already free, perhaps superior one, was referred to as "Rebecca." Or perhaps these were greetings they did not understand.


This chapter was written by Hannah Buchanan. Since she was 9 she has been creating her own sci-fi/fantasy literary universe with ten published Wattpad stories and hundreds of fleshed out characters.

Lost in Translation: A Collaborative StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz