so i'm antisocial as fuck

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The next time I hear a stupid jeer follow me down the hallway, I'm going to lose my shit.


I swear I will.


I walk faster, shoes padding against the flooring as I put my all into ignoring Ryder Hudson as his calls follow me down the hall. He's probably laughing, one of those wide grins, a smug look painting his features.

I wouldn't know, though, seeing as I'm pointedly ignoring him. 

"I'm talking to you, dipshit!"

No shit. "I'm aware," I mutter, only sparing him a brief glance before I continue to walk. He has too much time on his hands. And when Ryder Hudson has too much time on his hands, he's bound to harass me.

I can guarantee it.

Running a hand through my hair, I continue moving. Seven months, Soren. Only seven more months of this bullshit and then you never have to step foot in this shithole again. Ever.

But Ryder's still following me, his heavy footsteps behind me. And fuck, seven more months seems like forever away now.

My finger traces over the new studs in both earlobes. Ryder's about to harass me on that now, I'm sure. 

Do I regret it? I exhale a breathy laugh as my feet continue moving. Not as much as Ryder's mom regrets having him.

But I'd probably be better off not saying that to him. Unless I want him to put double the effort into fucking up my life than usual.

A push on my shoulder. I whip around, glancing up at him. Ryder just stares down at me, smug. And I'm just about ready to brace myself from the barrage of insults he carries in his arsenal when Evelyn Perez swoops in.

Evelyn Perez.

The girl that owns the oceans and the hearts of almost every male at Aspen High. Yes, that girl.

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