From the Unseen Eyes

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Hiccup's POV
     "What do we do now?" Snotlout asked.

    "I say we go back to base and do whatever we are gonna do tomorrow. It's going to be sunset soon and we still haven't finished up the base," Astrid said, "It's not like these Rescue Riders are going to leave overnight."

"I agree with Astrid, we should start heading back." I said, ending any protests. We exited the Great Hall and went into the forest. "Toothless!" The bushes rustled in front of me as toothless emerged from them. He gave me a huge gummy smile and then pinned me to the ground covering me in wet slobbery licks. "Oh, Toothless! Gross!" I said while shoving Toothless off me. The other riders were laughing a bit. He roared, and the other dragons emerged from the forest.

"Last one there is a rotten eel!" Astrid called as she and Stormfly took off. I sighed dreamily at Astrid. Toothless took off after them, which almost threw me off because I was distracted, followed by the other riders.

Lurke's POV
We were flying over Huttsgalor when we saw the oddest thing. Grumblegard was on Huttsgalor instead of his island. I smirked, perfect. Time to finally claim his island, for real this time. I told the others of my discovery and plan, Vizza agreed while Snoop... well he just was being Snoop. We took off towards Grumblegard's island.

When we got there there was a small human civilization on the island but no humans in sight. I frowned, there was no way a few humans succeeded in taking this island when I could not. "Tear the huts to the ground!" I snarled to Vizza and Snoop, well mostly to Vizza. We were about to do so when a red singetail came out of the forest.

She towered over us and snarled menacingly, "Get. Off. Our. Island."

Now I was really confused. This dragon was still to small to drive Grumblegard off. She roared and out from the trees came a triple stryke, a rumblehorn, and a deathsong. A loud screech sounded above echoing through the skies. The dragons snarled, and we backed up. I gulped, "We'll just be going now" I flew off as fast as I could, and for once in my life, I was terrified.

    When we where far enough away from the island landed on a sea stack feeling defeated. Vizza and Snoop landed near me, but didn't say anything at first.

    "If I may, I have an idea on how to move forward." Vizza said. I looked up and gestured for her to continue. "If Grumblegard knew that the island wasn't his anymore he would try relentlessly to get it back, but he seemed peaceful on Huttsgalor."

    "What are you saying Vizza?" I asked, now curious on where she was getting with this.

    "Grumblegard doesn't know that this dragons have taken his island. It must have been very recent. Those dragons looked unbeatable but we are only three slinkwings. Grumblegard could probably weaken the dragons defending the island and then we drive them off for good. All we have to do is inform Grumblegard. That in itself will be fun." Vizza said smirking.

    I smirked too, the feeling of defeat being washed away by the hope of this brilliant plan. "Let's do this." I roared. We took off the sea stack and flew to Huttsgalor.

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