chapter 49

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Kelvin POV

We have been on my private yacht for four days now. I had finally convinced lily to talk to me, it wasn't easy. I explained everything to her, except the part that I canceled the contract.

I will her tonight after I proposed, I hope she says yes because it will be very embarrassing if she doesn't, I felt nervous right now, I hope everything works out the way I planned, we are returning home today, I am planning to propose to her at the beach, Tiana inform that it was Lily's dream is to get proposed to in the beach,

I plan to make her dream come true, Tiana has been a big help to me, I am glad she is Lily's friend.

I called Tony earlier to help me get everything prepared.

Looking at my sleeping beauty on her bed, I used my fingers to remove her hair from her face as I stare at her beautiful face, she could sleep through a tornado,

I have been here for a while, watching her for like an hour now, she has been in one position since I came in if not for the constant snoring that came from her, I would have gone into panic mode.

As I continue to stare at her, I can't wait to wake up with her beside, seeing her beautiful face brighten my day. I couldn't help myself as I stole a kiss from her rosy lip.

Seriously she didn't even twirl, we have to certainly discuss her sleeping problems later. But now let's get the plan started.


Lillian POV

I woke up with a groan as the sunlight shined on my face, I remember closing the curtains last night before I went to bed. I haven't slept so well in days.

I look around the room to find red roses scattered around, and a single rose with a letter attached to it at the side of my bed, reaching over to pick it up I smelt the Rose, before opening the notes.

Dear wifey

Roses may be red and beautiful

But they are nothing close to your beauty

But they do complement your beauty

Rise and shine beautiful.

Love ❤️

Your alien bunny *wink*

I giggled to myself after reading the cheesy note, I finally talked to him after he locked us on the balcony, and refused to let me go till I talked to him, I gave in when the hunger was too much to bear. He explained everything to me, I felt really bad for him. Having a greedy father, how could he pay his son's fiancee to cheat on him for his selfish motives.

I smiled at the note-keeping it. I stood up from my bed. I went inside the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the day.

I was surprised to see my bathe already prepared and decorated with scented candles and flower petals, I found yet another note.

Dear wifey

I hope you enjoyed your bath, prepared specially for you. What better way to refresh your beauty than a nice warm bath.

PS* I wish I was there with you *wink*

Love ❤️

Your alien bunny

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