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Ron and Mione had fallen asleep in the dark common room, waiting for us to return. I smiled weakly when I saw Mione was leaning on Ron's shoulder. Ron shouted something about Quidditch fouls when Harry roughly shook him awake, which made Mione shoot up, jumping away from Ron in a matter of seconds. They were both wide-eyed as we began to tell them what had happened in the forest.
Harry was rambling on to himself, pacing back and forth.

"Snape wants the stone for Voldemort ... and Voldemort's waiting in the forest ... and all this time we thought Snape just wanted to get rich ..."

"Stop saying the name!" said Ron in a terrified whisper, and I threw him a look to say 'shut up'.
Harry wasn't listening.

"Firenze saved us, but he shouldn't have done ... the other centaurs were furious ... talking about interfering with what the planets say is going to happen ... they must show that Voldemort's coming back ... the other centaurs think Firenze should have let Voldemort kill me ... I suppose that's written in the stars as well."

"Will you stop saying the na-" Ron began, but quickly stopped at the look on my face.

"So all I've got to wait for now is Snape to steal the stone," Harry went on feverishly. "then Voldemort will be able to come and finish me off ... well, I suppose those two centaurs will be happy."

I shook my head - even now, Harry was making jokes.

"Do you not remember what I told you at the quidditch match, Harry?" I asked him.


"They can cast a spell, but so can we." I got up and stood directly in front of him, forcing him to turn his full attention to me. "Harry, everyone says Dumbledore's the only one Voldemort - pull yourself together, Ronald - was ever afraid of. With Dumbledore around, Voldemort won't touch you."

His emerald eyes stared deeply into mine, as his lips curved into a small smile.

"Anyway," I said, tearing my eyes from his and dropping back into an armchair. "Who says the centaurs are right?"

"I agree, it sounds like fortune telling to me." Mione nodded. "Professor McGonagall says that's a very imprecise branch of magic."


Sorry this part is short, I just want the next bits to be altogether.

~ Ariana x

Together (A Harry Potter love story) 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن