
Update for 'Wanna Be Saved' !!!
          	I'll either drop another chapter tonight/ in the upcoming days or another book. Choices... choices.


Has the website changed for anyone else? I don't think it looks as pretty anymore but I can't work out if it's because I forked out for premium so I don't have the adds when I'm reading on mobile...


@Eileeen001 I don't think I like the new update, I mean its nice my username is all in one line but the rest I'm not a fan off. Giving like 2010 girl blog coding vibes


no, it also changed on my devices…it looks so unusual!


Thinking of bringing something really personal into my next character. Just realised I haven't seen many if any fics with characters which truly portray the medical conditions I have myself. 
          Not even the medical field can stop us.
          I'm so excited for you to meet Hannah.


Just Pretend is finished as of yesterday afternoon! 
          Took me a little while as always but it's over now. Now have to find another book to focus on. I have a couple OCx OC in the drafts a little idea for them below so you get an idea.
          1) Lipstick Lullabies - TVD. Florence Salvatore is missing a decade of her prolonged life, she tries not to dwell upon it but deep down she finds herself constantly trying to find out what happened to her during those years. She didn't expect her older brother's phone call to come and annoy her younger brother to be the way she found out just what happened. OC Salvatore x OC Mikaleson
          2) Tattoos - Twilight. Callie had yet to find her purpose for living such a long life yet when stuck in the small town of Forks she didn't expect it to come in the form of the older brother to her coven mates blood singer. Though she knew she had to stay away for his safety. Not expecting him to get pulled into the trouble surrounding them regardless. OC Cullen x OC Swan
          3) NAME TBD- Greys Anatomy. Ajisha love trauma, she loved excitement she loved surgery. It was the reason she had lost her hearing and fled the UK afterall. Now starting her US Residency, older than the other interns and more experienced she realises she has a lot of things to balance in her life now. Including the Paeds attending who she had accidentally ignored on her first day. OC x OC.