
Another week and another update for The Lady in Disguise. I can't believe I'm even saying that. I'm just so happy to get back into this complicated, maddening, multi-character story again. There's so much more to come as this chaotic House Party continues, so I hope some of you are along for the ride.
          	For those who've been with me from the start, I cannot thank you enough. Your  unending patience shall be rewarded. 
          	For those Bridgerton fans waiting for updates on my Polin fics, I am certain you are just as obsessed with the show as I am. My Polin fics are not show-canon-compliant so I think it best we all enjoy the show before I go messing it up with my nonsense.
          	But I will be back for the finish after! I mean, can we really get enough Polin?


I love Lady in disguise book


Another week and another update for The Lady in Disguise. I can't believe I'm even saying that. I'm just so happy to get back into this complicated, maddening, multi-character story again. There's so much more to come as this chaotic House Party continues, so I hope some of you are along for the ride.
          For those who've been with me from the start, I cannot thank you enough. Your  unending patience shall be rewarded. 
          For those Bridgerton fans waiting for updates on my Polin fics, I am certain you are just as obsessed with the show as I am. My Polin fics are not show-canon-compliant so I think it best we all enjoy the show before I go messing it up with my nonsense.
          But I will be back for the finish after! I mean, can we really get enough Polin?


I love Lady in disguise book


As some of you might have seen, The Lady in Disguise is now updated after many many months. I thank all of you who've stuck around with all the stops and starts. I'm committing to updating it weekly up to the finish, on Fridays or Saturdays, so look out for that!
          I've also recently updated my Polin fic, A Little More Convincing, for any Bridgerton girlies in the house. 
          Back again soon!


So I've had less time than expected to write lately, but I just updated You Must Remember This (my longer, more complicated Polin fic) and plan to finish it ASAP, then work on finishing A Little More Convincing (the other, more lighthearted Polin fic) soon after, and then bury myself in The Lady In Disguise until the finish. For those who've been waiting, I am sorry. I am doing what I can :)


@AbbyWheelerRomance Hey, just asking, is there any update pattern that you follow or is it whenever you get the time to write? 


IMG omg omg bruh. Literally screaming I come and check your page all the time so flipping excited!!!!


I’m so glad you’re back to writing! I can’t wait to read more Emilia and Byrne!


Hey when are you updating the Polin fics again? 


@stardust_soul1 No problem! Thank you for updating. I really enjoy your writing and you've caught on the perfect regency voice. 


@stardust_soul1 I just updated one now! Sorry for the wait. More coming this week!


I am just terrible about posting here when I update. I will try to do better!
          For all of you following my original romance, The Lady in Disguise, I last updated in November and, while I wish I had another for you this month, that won't be coming till early 2023, but I am to finish it by March/April!
          For those of you reading my Bridgerton/Polin fic, A Little More Convincing, I aim to finish it by Valentines day if not sooner.
          For those of you clamoring for more on my Polin/Bridgerton fic You Must Remember This, you are on the front burner. There will be multiple updates all week and it will be finished either before New Year's or just after! 
          Once I get that off my plate, other updates will come sooner!
          I am about to come into a LOT of free time and will now have so much space to write, I'll be spoiled with it -- and so will you!


@AbbyWheelerRomance  ha ha ha!  We forgive you, oh aged one.  But I really, truly, am eager for more of Sticks and Prune face.   I want more of their world!  I love how you write the era, the characters (people were just as interesting then as now!), and the scenes you set.  Priceless.


okay, by early 2023, I meant early 2024. Damn you, passage of time!


Kept forgetting to say, but I (finally!) updated The Lady in Disguise with chapter 23, in which there is smooching, a surprising offer, doggo love, and drunken ramblings between our hero and his buddy...