
Hey guys!
          	I just want to say thank you so much for reading FAKE GIRLFRIEND. It is currently number #1 in #beforeyouexit category. I am beyond speechless. This is what I have been dreaming of.
          	All because of you 


Guys, I’m back :)x
          I know it took me forever to update my last book and I even lost the track of fanfic requests from last year. I had rough days. Well, I still do. But writing really heals me. So here we go.
          That said, I’m truly sorry that I wouldn’t take any requests for the time being. I want to expand my own storylines. I guess I want to tell you more about me, how my brain works, in a form of fanfiction. But all and all, I will keep writing, so don’t you worry ;)
          I have many people commenting how many grammar errors I made in my old stories. Thank you for letting me know. It was from 4-5 years ago while I was still learning how to properly write in English. English is not my mother tongue language, though, I hope I’m improving.  This space is a learning process for me. I would probably never be as perfect as you are in English, and you would never be as fluent as I am in my own mother tongue language. So let’s have some mercy for each other and move on :)x
          Love you! xx


You guys!
          I know it's been a VERY long while since last time I actively wrote fanfictions. I've never stopped writing but it's been in a slow run for the past months. But this time I'm trying to keep up the game. I have few requests on my note that I will be sure to fulfill. Just you wait ;)
          So here is the first one. I'm writing a Connor McDonough fanfiction. Don't forget to tap the vote button because that would be amazing.
          Love you! xx


Hi sweets!
          First, I've been receiving lovely comments about my stories from some people. Thank you so much for loving them. Just want you to know that I wrote them with all my heart - despite the grammatical error that I am very aware of but still no time to revise them. But having those comments makes me happy, that I know people love what I do.
          Second, I'd like to apologize again to those who're still waiting for me to update my stories. I know I promise you regular updates, but hopefully you'll understand that I'm on my most critical deadline period that I should first finish. I'm trying my best to update - wish you could see how many drafts I have here but not yet posted because they're not perfect. It's not that I've stopped writing; I don't, and I WON'T STOP. 
          That being said, thank you so much for still staying and voting for my story no matter how long it takes me to post a chapter. You're all the best.
          I owe you.


Hey, do u have any favourites from before you exit? Or r they all your favourites? By the way I'm in love with Toby.


Hi sweet Alex! Been a while since our last talk. How are you? :) Uhm.. I can't really pick one, because c'mon, how can you? Haha. But if I really had to choose, it would be Connor. His exceptional musicality always amazes me. 


Dear all sweetest friends,
          I am so sorry for not updating lately. As you all have know, we're here mourning for our loss of an angel, Christina Victoria Grimmie. I actually have drafts of my current story, Lockers, ready to be posted, but I believe now is not the right time.
          I still can't function. I've been a fan of Christina since her audition for The Voice. The fact that this horrible incident happened at Before You Exit show was beyond devastating. I believe none of us could read cute fanfictions right now anyway, because what's the point; Christina has gone.
          I want to personally thank each and everyone of you for being so dedicated, amazing, and believing in me. Thank you for letting this little girl an opportunity to showcase her not-so-amazing talent. Thank you for letting me write these boring plots. Thank you for reading them anyways.
          Like Riley said, tomorrow isn't promised. So here goes virtual hug to everyone reading this right now. I love you.
          Rest easy, Christina Grimmie.


@BYE_Imagines Aww you're welcome. And thank u for writing fanfics so i can daydream all the time. Your books r the best. xxx
            Love, Alex. ^.^ 


I know right. This Friday will be her funeral day, so I think I will wait til after Friday to post new chapter. And thank you very much for you continuous support. I'm blessed to have people like you in my life. Thank you so much. I'll write more :)x


@BYE_Imagines   yeah, I'm still not over Christina's death. She was my idol and I loved her very much. Her smile lightened my day! How can someone be so heartless to shoot an innocent girl? She'll always be present in my prayers. #RIPchristina. And you r writing amazing fanfictions. I keep daydreaming all the time. Your fanfics are lovely and you have an amazing talent. Keep it up! 
            All the best! Plz pray for Christina!
            -xx Alex ☺