
The next chapter is currently being written and will be released under the same conditions as last time. 
          	Once chapter 13 reaches 20 votes chapter 14 will be released. 
          	Looking forward to hearing feedback on this next chapter Darlings. Don't forget to read about Dee's experiences in this "strange new world"


The next chapter is currently being written and will be released under the same conditions as last time. 
          Once chapter 13 reaches 20 votes chapter 14 will be released. 
          Looking forward to hearing feedback on this next chapter Darlings. Don't forget to read about Dee's experiences in this "strange new world"


The next chapter is coming out next week. I've been a tad busy because of collage and work commitments. 
          Oh yeah it's my anniversary today 


Ok so I'm not getting the desired level of interaction with my story "My name's not Velseir" I'm getting an average of about 12 votes per chapter and unless I get to 20 votes for the most recent chapter the story is going on hiatus


@Beaniewrites101 You can wait until after exam time. They are busy having fun on spring break, and visting family ffor Easter anyway right now.


Hence the potential hiatus. If I'm not shown the effort is worth it then I'll wait until it is


@DefenderofHyrule tbh I'm not expecting to get 20 but when the average used to be 17 and now it's barely getting to ten it annoys me a bit I'm still writing my story I just wish people would appreciate all the effort I put in a little more. I've been trying to get chapters out despite the ongoing exam period and the next chapter is half done but because of a lack of interaction with the story I don't know if it's worth trying to write during exam time 


from now on when i have chapters backed up and scheduled for release there will be a hidden piece in one of my other stories this time ill tell my loyal followers that the hidden piece is in... "code 3117" next time it could be in one of my other stories or maybe a  will be sent to those who vote on my chapters.