
Hi guys! Long time no speak!
          	I don't know if anyone is still reading Beautiful Broken Pieces, but unfortunately I'm going to have to take the story down for the time being. You may already be aware but Wattpad have recently changed their rules about what content is permissible in stories, and sadly BBP is now in violation of those rules.
          	I love and remain proud of this story, and I hope that maybe I can republish it at some point, either on Wattpad or maybe even elsewhere, but at the moment I'm so busy with the Belle Morte series and the So I Married A Rockstar series that I don't have time to rework BBP to make it fit with the new rules.
          	So, for now at least, it has to come down.
          	Thank you to everyone who read and supported it, and I really wish I didn't have to do this :(


@Kibatsume101 and AO3
          	  Archive of your own


@Bella_Higgin this happened to me. A years worth of writing gone with no explanation of why even after contacting them four times. So disheartening and I'm nowhere near as well know as you are. So sorry they did this to you xx


Hello Bella,  I'm writing this message to see if you would like to turn your book into a fully playable interactive story with character visuals, music, and interactive dialogues.
          Last week, we turned two Wattpad books each over 1.5M reads into interactive stories on Knock Knock. We built Knock Knock so writers can create a high quality visual novel under 5 minutes - no coding, no art, just write.
          There are so much more I'd like to tell you, if you're interested feel free to check out our discord for more testimonials & demos, we hope to see you there❤️


About two months ago I went to a bookstore, I picked up a book (Belle Morte) and I was fascinated by it, so I bought it. Two months later, I was scrolling through Wattpad, searching for my next obsession, and then I found your profile. Now my next obsession is So I Married a Rockstar. I have to say that I love your books a lot; your writing style had me absolutely enthralled! :>


Hola, primero, lo siento a la escritora por hacer aquí publicidad. Segundo, la novela trata sobre una chica que está enamorada de su 'mejor amigo' desde que tiene memoria. Esta historia incluye amor (tóxico), fiestas, drama y algunas escenas spicy. Si tenéis curiosidad por leer el libro, meteros en mi perfil. Muchas gracias, y de nuevo, lo siento por hacer publicidad.


@tana_gr Sorry? I'm not sure what you're saying, I only speak English :/


What’s happening with So I Married a Rock Star part2?   I’m now getting the message I have to pay to read updates, even though it says they are free and updated weekly? 


Thanks, they used to become available one each time you updated, then not even the ones I had read were readable    hopefully they will decide to let us read them soon. Thanks for replying. Loving all your stories from day one 


@ggmad95 Hi there. The Rockstar series if part of Wattpad's Originals, which was formerly the Paid Program. Wattpad has changed the way this program functions, and as best I understand it, the chapters are paywalled first, and then become free later on :)