
Happy Pride Month everyone!
          	That is all.


@Birdpaw Happy Pride Month! ♡°○☆


Hiya everyone!
          Happy International Asexuality Day! For those who don't know, International Asexuality Day (IAD for short) is a worldwide campaign centered on promoting awareness and acceptance of people under the asexual umbrella that takes place on April 6th every year. The four themes of IAD are:
          - Advocacy
          - Celebration
          - Education
          - Solidarity
          In honor of IAD, the @TripleACommunity would absolutely love to hear about your favorite story featuring one or more characters under the asexual umbrella. 
          I myself am always open to getting recs to put onto my ace/aro reading list, no matter where the character or author places themselves on the spectrum!


Hiya everyone!
          I know most of you out there on my profile are fantasy/sci-fi readers.
          If you know the High Fantasy Community profile, they have put up a discord for rreaders and writers alike (or just fans of the genre in general) to connect, talk about their favourite books, or other fun activities like drabbles or questions of the week. I'm in the server too, and although its small, I have a feeling it'll grow, and High Fantasy and other subgenres can never get enough love.
          If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, respect the rules and feel free to join. Can't wait to see y'all there!


@Birdpaw Hi! Sounds like fun. I'll join. Not always on Discord though but I can stop by from time to time!


Hiya everyone!
          I noticed Starfall was added to one of the home pages themed lists! 
          With that, I've got a couple updates.
          First update: Spark of a Rebellion is finished. I am working on the fourth book the moment Under the Dawn's Light is done.
          Second update but more of a cautionary reminder: The Starfall series for certain has two books left to go after Spark, after which I will give a grace period to read it before taking it down.
          Ive beat that bush multiple times as to the reasoning for this but the honest answer is I am not financially stable enough to keep writing for free - hence taking the leap into publishing.
          With Evenfall its the same deal, I have a cut off point for taking it down.
           So, the endings you get for the drafts on wattpad may or may not match what I may end up publishing.
          I still have plenty of books that will stay on here as extra content.


Hi everyone!
          So, ONC. I'm not participating, but I know plenty of people who are. One person I want to give a special shout out for her consistent support.
          My very good friend @WinterSleep85 is writing a vampire story unlike many other vampire stories, and I'm usually not a reader of the genre. Do check her out, she deserves all the love and comments and recognition for her awesome writing.


@Birdpaw Oh thank you! That's too nice!


Hello, everyone!
          I have finally finished Spark of a Rebellion at 48 chapters. I know usually I try to aim for 50, but then it'd end up being dragged out, I feel, so there it is.
          I will be finishing Dawn before I work on the fourth book of Starfall. Thank you for everyone's whose read this far. We're past the halfway point for the series on wattpad.


@Birdpaw I love your books so much!!


@Birdpaw Congrats! It is always awesome to finish a book. Good luck on your other projects!


In relation to my previous announcement, it is officially Aromantic Awareness Week!
          Once again, feel free to send me books with arospec characters!


@bosandaros Oh yeah and sorry if it made it seem like aros are always asexual. I happen to be both but FYI for anyone reading this some people are one or the other but not both.


@Birdpaw omg I've been thinking about this a lot. I have two aroace characters I can think of, one is Zed in my book Neighbor which has been left unfinished, and another that is more of a concept still. It's hard to find aroace characters, so thank you for giving people a chance to spotlight and I surely will do the same.


Hello everyone!
          Happy Valentine's day!
          How am I celebrating? Let me talk about aromanticism and the umbrella.
          First, Aromantic =/= Asexuality. For example, you can have that sexual attraction to someone, but little to no romantic attraction to that same person and vice versa. 
          I myself am aro/ace. I feel little to no romance or sexual attraction for anybody. Do remember though, everyone's experience with identity is a little different!
          However, this does not exclude platonic relationships like QPR's, or 'squishes' which is one of many names for friend crushes, where I basically go 'man I really really want to be this person's friend'.
          Second, I am doing another round of call outs for book rec's, but this time, for more arospec characters. This umbrella has many variants to it. Just to give an example, Demiromantic and grayromantic are under the aromantic umbrella.
          In this month of love, always remember that there are many types of love, platonic love, familial love, unconditional love, self love. All these loves are valid.
          If you yourself does not feel the 'romantic' love for anyone, just know that you are valid. Your identity does matter and does exist.
          So, give me those book rec's with arospec characters, or books from arospec authors!


@WrennaStone No problem! Sounds like an awesome ONC!
            @GraveyardSiren As someone who has experienced both ace and aro erasure, I always seek to bring more awareness to these identities! I wish you luck with your writings!


@Birdpaw Thank you! Sometimes on Valentine's Day I feel bad because I'm aro-ace spec... But, this made me feel better.
            (I actually have a NaNoWriMo project from last year that includes an arospec character... As well as an acespec one too ^_^)


@Birdpaw THANK YOU BIRD, I LOVE YOU FOR THIS!!! <3 ace/biromantic myself and it's SO nice to see the rep!! Thank you thank you thank you!! My ONC actually has one lead who is ace and one who is demisexual and it's been the most freeing romance to write without the pressure of sexual tension


Hello everyone!
          I know ONC is here and every year I have done it, but I have not yet decided whether I will do it or not.
          I do have two possible ideas, one being horror and another being a paranormal detective thing.
          However, I have like ten million other projects that do need my intention. I do need to finish Starfall and Evenfall up to a certain point on wattpad.
          I do wish everyone who is participating luck though.