

Ohhhmygooodnesssssss. !!!!
          I MADE THE CUT!  I cannot begin to explain how over the moon I am feeling currently. Lol. 
          For anyone who hasn’t, check out my first original work of writing. And please please PLEASE leave feedback ❤️❤️❤️


@WritingisaBreeze thanks for letting me add your book to a weekly promotion block 


hi there! just passing by to say that i'm a n1 fan of your account, i just checked out all of your reading lists - it's all so useful  and all of your works in general are proof of the tremendous ammount of dedication you put into it. I went to see how many followers you had expecting it to be like 91k and was shocked to see how underrated u are. You do the work of an official wattpad ambassador. Anyway,i hope i didn't bother and this wasn't weird, I menat good :)
          Have a marvelous day!!!!!