
Tess Dunbar is now under heavy editing!
          	I'm changing quite a lot of things due to endgame being someone else!


So I'm currently working on Leah Clearwaters mini oc fanfic!


@BuckysDoll24 What about the teen wolf books


Will she have a male mini oc or female 


Hey guys!! 
          So first things first!
          I'm heading home tomorrow so writing and publishing may happen by the weekend!!!
          Second of all!!
          Who has missed me?! ;)
          And Last of All
          How bad do we want a Walking Dead Fanifc and a 100 Fanfic alongside a  fanfic ?!


@BuckysDoll24 welcome back I missed you and when is the protected Hale coming back


@BuckysDoll24, I REALLY do miss you and welcome back 


I'm now on a break!! 
          No new updates(Maybe?)
          I will probably be writing privately and publishing them when I return from my well-deserved break! Haven't been on holiday in 3 years so please be patient!
          Much love Buckysdoll24 readers ❤️❤️


@BuckysDoll24 You deserve a break. Can't wait to read more of your stories.


@BuckysDoll24, you deserve to relax and enjoy yourself? 
            I can't hardly wait to read 911 Buck and Tommy story when you get back from vacation 


I'm on break as of the 24th of May and I will not be doing new books maybe once all the others are done with ❤️
          Side note- I'm not having a go at anyone I'm expressing my feelings which I think is fair as I don't ask a lot I never asked for anything but for readers to vote and comment and not ignore the OCS lines and them❤️
          Just show the books I do some love ❤️ leave comments as to me it shows that you enjoy the book and the OC ❤️ 
          I respond to anyone who comments and shows their thoughts on the chapter and the characters ❤️
          So enjoy the current books for now!
          Much Love Buckysdoll24 ❤️ 


I am not doing any new books!! 
          I'm having a break from writing new ones and finishing up the ones that are out and not completed!!
          I work hard to do my books, I don't ask for much of people all I ask is you don't ghostread my books and leave bare comments and votes and then be cheeky and say update please when you haven't left any indication you enjoyed the book! 
          I'm not being horrible to anyone at all! It's frustrating as a writer to do books for my enjoyment and express myself as a character in the books and for you all to read and no one comments or votes then expecting updates.  I write as fast as I can and update as quickly as I can.
          I honestly don't ask a lot just for my readers to not ghost read and leave 0 comments on a book as it's really shocking to wake up and see some votes and barely any comments on a newly released book that everyone has been asking for. 
          So for now any new books you've heard about from TikTok or on here are being put on paused and I will finish my other books which are out.
          Thank you for reading!
          much love Buckysdoll24 ❤️ 


@buckysdoll24, I really love to read your stories, because you're a amazing and talented writer ❤️ 


@BuckysDoll24 I don't comment after pages but I comment at the end of a story 


@BuckysDoll24 I was reading rea Hale on my phone but my phone is so messed up but I had enjoy the story your an amazing author 