Hi everyone! First of all I just wanna say a huge thank you for all the sweet messages on this board. I've been super busy this past year with my self-publishing journey and haven't had time to be on Wattpad much at all, but sitting down and reading them now has made me smile so much! ❤️
          	Speaking of my self-publishing journey, I've made the difficult decision to only leave up previews of my YA works on Wattpad as I begin to publish them. I talk about this a bit more in my most recent YouTube video, which I'll link below. 
          	I know some may find this upsetting, and I completely understand, but in the end I felt this was the right decision moving forward in my author career. I won't be taking everything down all at once, just going along as I publish them, so you'll still have time to catch any stories you missed or re-read any favorites if you're not looking to purchase the updated, edited versions in the future. Either way, your support has meant so much and I sincerely thank you for ever giving them a chance! ❤️
          	How to Save Your School from Soul-Stealing Demons will be published this summer, and Opposite Day is now a free eBook you can get by signing up for my email newsletter! I will link that below as well, and you can also find it on my profile. By signing up you'll be the first to hear about my release dates, cover reveals, and more. I'd love to have you as part of the community!
          	Again, being on Wattpad all these years (over ten years total!) has been a blast, and I wouldn't feel confident enough to self-publish without all your lovely comments and support since I made this account. I can only hope you're as excited as I am for this next step in my journey, and I cannot wait to have physical copies available for all my works! Some of you have asked over the years and it's finally, finally coming true :')
          	THANK YOU and talk soon,
          	- Caitlin


omg so excited for you!! cant wait to have your books on my shelves:))


@CAITLlN congratulations on the publishing deal for how to save your school from soul-stealing demons! And best of luck with your publishing journey! I look forward to hearing about any future books you end up writing, you're an amazing author.


@CAITLlN awwn. I'm with you whatever decision you make. And btw, you're a great inspiration for me, I really look up to you, I watch your videos and all. I just wanna say I heart you big!


Hi everyone! First of all I just wanna say a huge thank you for all the sweet messages on this board. I've been super busy this past year with my self-publishing journey and haven't had time to be on Wattpad much at all, but sitting down and reading them now has made me smile so much! ❤️
          Speaking of my self-publishing journey, I've made the difficult decision to only leave up previews of my YA works on Wattpad as I begin to publish them. I talk about this a bit more in my most recent YouTube video, which I'll link below. 
          I know some may find this upsetting, and I completely understand, but in the end I felt this was the right decision moving forward in my author career. I won't be taking everything down all at once, just going along as I publish them, so you'll still have time to catch any stories you missed or re-read any favorites if you're not looking to purchase the updated, edited versions in the future. Either way, your support has meant so much and I sincerely thank you for ever giving them a chance! ❤️
          How to Save Your School from Soul-Stealing Demons will be published this summer, and Opposite Day is now a free eBook you can get by signing up for my email newsletter! I will link that below as well, and you can also find it on my profile. By signing up you'll be the first to hear about my release dates, cover reveals, and more. I'd love to have you as part of the community!
          Again, being on Wattpad all these years (over ten years total!) has been a blast, and I wouldn't feel confident enough to self-publish without all your lovely comments and support since I made this account. I can only hope you're as excited as I am for this next step in my journey, and I cannot wait to have physical copies available for all my works! Some of you have asked over the years and it's finally, finally coming true :')
          THANK YOU and talk soon,
          - Caitlin


omg so excited for you!! cant wait to have your books on my shelves:))


@CAITLlN congratulations on the publishing deal for how to save your school from soul-stealing demons! And best of luck with your publishing journey! I look forward to hearing about any future books you end up writing, you're an amazing author.


@CAITLlN awwn. I'm with you whatever decision you make. And btw, you're a great inspiration for me, I really look up to you, I watch your videos and all. I just wanna say I heart you big!


If you like Nora Roberts, might I suggest Elizabeth Lowell and Sandra Brown? Like Roberts, both of their older works are more fluffy and their newer works, more romantic suspense/ murder mystery -esque. With their powers combined (lol) they are the romantic trifecta (in my opinion, at least).


He Caitlin! I'm a new writer on wattpad and ur videos have rlly helped me out. To show my gratitude, I have dedicate the second chapter of my best performing story "Dear Life: A letter to life" at to u ˆw^ and it would mean the world to me if u could read it and give me some feedback. Thx a lot 4 ur videos and books, they brighten my day! ˆwˆ


Hi caitlin, It's nice meeting you. I trying to reach out to someone who has experience in books more than me. I would love your advise on how to gow my audience. I've written my books irl and one of them it's finished and the other is one going. I am finding diffuclities in explaining my plots in non childish way cause i speak like 4 languages. I saw your video
          Sorry for your time and thax if you read my message.