
Next chapter of USOL is now posted. Let me know what you think! <3


@CheysShadow yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy ive been waiting for years


Hiiiii, In hope you remember me... I'm the person who wrote a paragraph to you about uploading privately. Direct messages are unavailable now, but I was wondering if we could be friends? Like ur pretty cool and I think you could give me some writing tips and we could talk. Ik ur pretty busy with the rest of ur life but could a friend make it better? Just wondering Anyways, love ur work. Byee


I am working on the newest chapter of USOL. I had to re-read a few things and I am putting some research into a few things to hopefully make this chapter accurate. This is going to be the last chapter of the trial, but I plan to continue the story on a little more. If I do not upload tonight, I will tomorrow. I just want to make it perfect! 
          That being said, I am debating on a special chapter outside of the story line, for the ones who have been so patient with me! 
          I also updated a chapter of "Be My Forever" which is like a side story when I get writers block on my main stories. 
          Thank you all for being patient with me! <3


Finals week is killing me right now. 
          On top of getting a second job.. 
          I’ll update soon, I promise! 


@CheysShadow No worries! I personally understand your struggles since I myself am completing two courses at once while writing the novels... anyways, don't over work yourself and we'll all wait for your updates!!  
            All the best!


I just published the first 10 chapters of 'Be My Forever'- the updated version. I swapped from first person to third person with my writing. I also changed a few things that I felt were rushed and needed to be slowed down a little bit. I will get the rest of the chapters updated soon! I am rereading this story and changing things accordingly. 
          As always, thank y'all for your patience! These college classes leave me with little to no free time to write anymore.


Hey y’all! 
          I just wanted to remind everyone that I have not abandoned any of my stories! 
          I am currently taking 3 college classes and had a birthday party to plan for my kiddo. 
          I’ll update soon, I promise! Please don’t give up on me!! 