
Hi everyone! I just want to start by saying I apologize for the long absence. Life has been particularly busy/chaotic lately, among other things. I fear I may be entering a period of writer's block, or honestly just a lack of creative motivation in general. Although I have a new chapter of Sianna and the Soulweaver AND a new chapter of Not Just Another Boy Next Door handwritten in my journal, I have struggled to find the time to upload them here on Wattpad for you wonderful people. I also have several drafts unfinished for "your heart breaks forevermore" that I haven't been able to complete. If anyone has the time, I'd genuinely appreciate any words of encouragement or even some new comments on my work to bring me back to my writing/editing. In the mean time, I'll be catching up on reading you fantastic writers' stories and poems! Thank you all and have a great day!<3333


@DarrianMackenzie I can relate. I have one of the most through chapters I've ever outlined in my notebook, but here I am ten days later and I've only written about 1200 words. I just want you to know you're not alone. The struggle is real.  It's necessary to take a break to let the creative juices flow, but staying motivated should not go to the wayside in its absence. 
          	  I just want you to know, you're awesome. You are one of the best authors I know where on Wattpad and I'm sure whatever you pen will be great. So, I say this next part with the greatest respect: GET BACK ON THAT HORSE!!!! Know that you got this and know that there are a lot of us out here happy to see you do it.


Hi everyone! I just want to start by saying I apologize for the long absence. Life has been particularly busy/chaotic lately, among other things. I fear I may be entering a period of writer's block, or honestly just a lack of creative motivation in general. Although I have a new chapter of Sianna and the Soulweaver AND a new chapter of Not Just Another Boy Next Door handwritten in my journal, I have struggled to find the time to upload them here on Wattpad for you wonderful people. I also have several drafts unfinished for "your heart breaks forevermore" that I haven't been able to complete. If anyone has the time, I'd genuinely appreciate any words of encouragement or even some new comments on my work to bring me back to my writing/editing. In the mean time, I'll be catching up on reading you fantastic writers' stories and poems! Thank you all and have a great day!<3333


@DarrianMackenzie I can relate. I have one of the most through chapters I've ever outlined in my notebook, but here I am ten days later and I've only written about 1200 words. I just want you to know you're not alone. The struggle is real.  It's necessary to take a break to let the creative juices flow, but staying motivated should not go to the wayside in its absence. 
            I just want you to know, you're awesome. You are one of the best authors I know where on Wattpad and I'm sure whatever you pen will be great. So, I say this next part with the greatest respect: GET BACK ON THAT HORSE!!!! Know that you got this and know that there are a lot of us out here happy to see you do it.


Hello everyone! I’ve been super quiet on here lately because I’ve been so busy at work but I just wanted to say I hope you all have a wonderful day!❤️ I went from wanting to update “your heart breaks forevermore” with two more poems to WAY more than two, I’ve been updating without announcing just to make sure they’re as good as they can be. I would really appreciate you guys checking out the new chapters of it and let me know what you think, I’m not sure if I’ll ever complete it at this point LOL it’s quite a mix between poems and what I’ve starting calling “micro” stories (in my own head anyway haha) 


@jpsuchecki I appreciate that so so much! I’ve been doing a lot of handwriting on paper actually but desperately need to type it up for Wattpad, things have been crazy lately and now I’m on vacation so it’s even more difficult LOL but I deff plan on catching up soon and hope you’ve been doing great!☺️☺️☺️


@DarrianMackenzie Hey, hope things haven't been too bad for you. Miss seeing you around.


Woke up and decided I NEED to add two more parts to “your heart breaks forevermore” even though I decided I had finished it last night LOL so working on two surprise parts right now!! Thank you guys for the support and feedback!❤️❤️❤️❤️


@jpsuchecki Lmao seriously!! I woke up and was like “was I crazy?? It needs two more chapters” for no reason ahahah 


@DarrianMackenzie Lol can't give it up can you?


Just updated “your heart breaks forevermore” and I’d be so happy to hear from you guys!!❤️


@jpsuchecki Omg yay that’s amazing keep up the incredible work!! I can’t wait to read your comments!☺️


@DarrianMackenzie Love to read it. I'm about halfway though my first chapter in my new book so I'll take a look at it once I'm done.