
this message may be offensive
          	“He doesn’t see you the way I do. He doesn’t see the broken girl inside, a soul that just wants to be loved, protected, needed. But I do. I see you because I’ve made it my every damn mission to.” His eyes held mine with a piercing stare. My breath caught in the back of my throat. “And you know what? I’d do it again and again and again until you realise just how fucking badly I need you.” 
          	Avery Watkins hasn't always had it easy. Growing up with both parents struggling with addiction and trying to find her place in the world, she doesn't have much trust in others. So when Sonny, her current boyfriend comes along, he is positive, caring and everything she thinks she needs. 
          	That is until she comes head to head with Sonny's flatmate, Harrison Shaw. 
          	Harrison is a lot of things but positive isn't one of them. He is quiet, mysterious and equally as guarded as Avery. Not only that, he forces Avery to dance with the ghosts of her past whilst also uncovering his own. 
          	But Avery soon finds out that what she has needed all along is right under her nose, or more specifically, in the bedroom next door. 
          	And the wall between them may not be as thick as she believes.


@Dreamerse and readers,Hey, I read your book and I am inspired would love it if you could give me some tips for books as I just started uploading my first-ever book.
          I would also really appreciate your and your reader's support.
          I would be really grateful if you can support me to get success


hi sorry for posting without your permission. but i am a new writer here in wattpad, and if u guys are interested to read a bl story then this is your chance.


فتحت عيني ورأيت الرجل الذي حاول قتلي كان ميتاً على الأرض. ببطء، أدرت رأسي إلى منقذي. كان يرتدي سترة وقناعًا يغطي أنفه، ويكشف فقط عن جرميه الداكنين اللذين كانا يخترقانني.
          يبدو مألوفا جدا.
          عبرت حواجبي عندما أزال قناعه. وقفت أمامه مباشرة واتسعت عيناي.
          "جيون جونغكوك؟!" 
          لقد نطقت وخدش الجزء الخلفي من رقبته. 
          "ماذا تعتقد أنك تفعل؟ "
          " يجب أن تغسل الأطباق الآن في القصر! لا يزال يتعين عليك غسل ملابسي والوقت متأخر، لذا قم بإعداد العشاء الآن!"