
Sorry for inconvenience, I am really trying to be on your request. I am busy lately but I will update today


Hey there,❤❤
          I hope you and doing fine writing your book but I too am a new writer and I hope to read my book also it is titled as✨✨ from fantasy to forever: a tale of adventure and romance ✨✨
          It is filled with adventure romance fantasy mystery and magic and also if you read it please vote comment and follow me and make sure to share also 
          And if any grammatical mistakes and there means please say me I will make sure not to happen mistakes
          Here is the link ❤❤

          Thank you and read it for sure ❤❤


I am currently reading one of your stories and I see that English is not your strong suit. That's fine, but what is your strong suit is story telling, and that can't be taught. English, I've been told, is the hardest language to learn. 
          Do you want/need an editor? I'd be happy to edit your stories for you. You write so darn well, even with grammar and spelling mistakes. You write better than most English speakers do.


Can I ask if I’m Darker than Love is there is cheating in either book as I don’t read that trope? Please let me know. 


Thank you author for getting back me me I deeply appreciate it. 


@ronda1985 no
            No cheating, I don't like that stuff either 


Hi there Erica ,I really love ur writing  I read most of them nd I like them so much but I really wish u can  bring a book3 for dark than love (I think I fell in love with seth )I really want u to  know if there will reunite mother -son duo plz I really  want them to ,so plz if u can upload book 3 ,nd I know  it takes time to write a story but hope u can speed up on runaway bride and thank u soooooo much for keeping us entertained ,even I myself am a writer but I  Don't upload it like my hobby I like reading nd writing  but runaway bride  has really caught my attention  iloved it so much, thanks ,keep up the good work.


Heyyy's me your biggest fan tbh....i read almost 3 of you works and there are so amazing and perfect at the same time.... I really really appreciate your efforts and hope to do the same in future too.....BTW I WANTED TO ASK WHETHER THERE IS A BOOD 3 FOR DARKER THAN LOVE....I would love to see Silvia and seth reunite and love to know more about Seth's Baby....BEST WISHES ✨


@EricaAB99 sounds great ✨ I do have some story in my mind maybe you can add least time when seth gave his number to danial....danial actually needs it for some help from seth as Silvia is in danger .....Robert is still alive.....or some story about the children of seth... I would really appreciate you for BOOK 3 


@ddaazzllee123 yes book 3 will be published soon