
Hey guys, I've had a lot of messages and comments about when the next book will be out. I promise I haven't forgotten, I've just had a lot going on lately. 
          	Unfortunately, the book will be delayed a little longer. My husband was sent out of state to fight wildfires, which has me playing 'single parent' for our son and doing all of the sports running. On top of that I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and  recently found out that I have to go see a specialist for possible issues with the pregnancy. So between parenting, running errands, working, pregnancy, and new possible issues I haven't had much time to think of where to take the stories. 
          	I do promise to keep working on the book as much as I can and to post an update soon. I love reading all of your comments and want to thank you all so much for being patient.
          	With love 


@FollowTheBrightStar good luck. Hope your husband has returned safely. I saw an obstetrician for my pregnancy due to other health issues. Glad I did, so hope all is well. Mine is now 21yo and just about to finish university. Will wait happily for the next installment, my reading fodder on the train to work!



Hey guys, I've had a lot of messages and comments about when the next book will be out. I promise I haven't forgotten, I've just had a lot going on lately. 
          Unfortunately, the book will be delayed a little longer. My husband was sent out of state to fight wildfires, which has me playing 'single parent' for our son and doing all of the sports running. On top of that I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and  recently found out that I have to go see a specialist for possible issues with the pregnancy. So between parenting, running errands, working, pregnancy, and new possible issues I haven't had much time to think of where to take the stories. 
          I do promise to keep working on the book as much as I can and to post an update soon. I love reading all of your comments and want to thank you all so much for being patient.
          With love 


@FollowTheBrightStar good luck. Hope your husband has returned safely. I saw an obstetrician for my pregnancy due to other health issues. Glad I did, so hope all is well. Mine is now 21yo and just about to finish university. Will wait happily for the next installment, my reading fodder on the train to work!


Hi! Any update on the sequel to Hunter’s Rose??  I really loved the book and all the guys!  Cant wait to see whose book is next!!!


@NeveahSummers I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm really hoping to get the next book posted soon, I would just like to have a handful of chapters written first. Things have been chaotic lately so I haven't had the time to work on it. 


Hunters rose is the only book I want to read I willingly refuse to read others of romance this is the book for me best of luck on writing and rewriting your future books your very talented in your writing thank you for hunters rose though it’s very detailed and I felt like I was actually in the story.


            I really really appreciate this.
            I've been in a slump lately when it comes to writing, on top of other things going on in my life. But reading this gave me a lot of encouragement and push in that direction. 
            Thank you so so much. 


Hey all you lovely people! 
          I just wanted to give a quick update. I'm still around, and I absolutely love seeing all of your comments and votes for Hunter's Rose. 
          I promise I am still working on the second book, it's just taking me way longer to write this one than the first one did. 
          I've had a lot going on lately and I haven't had time to work on it as much as I would like, but I am slowly adding to it every chance I get. 
          Honestly, the hardest part is every time I go to write it, I have an overwhelming urge to rewrite/update the first book. That has put me in a writers block a few times, but I am hoping to have the first few chapters posted by the end of this month. 
          Thank you all so much for all of your kind comments, likes, positivity, and patience. 


@FollowTheBrightStar I loved your book.  I liked the fast pace, there was drama but it wasn’t the type to drag on and I loved that.  I started reading this a few days ago and it honestly helped having this to read during all the crazy weather where I live.  It has been stressing me way out and being able to pick up this book and read a few chapters here and there was a blessing, so thank you.  It helped me feel better and I couldn’t help but laugh at Jackson’s antics, or aww at Hunters sweetness.  I honestly am super bummed there’s not another one lol.  So I will be on the look out, I know it takes time and appreciate you sharing your work with us!


Hello, are you planning on making a second book to Hunters Rose???
          I absolutely loved the book!


            Also, I'm so so glad you enjoyed the book! Thank you so much! 


            I am! I can't promise a post date yet, but I have been working on it when I have the free time. Hopefully soon though! 