Just a heads up....I'm pretty weird heheheh :P

I'm a person of very few words....so yes I am socially awkward *sigh* guess that's why I don't get out much

So u probably want some details about me........some of my favorite things perhaps???

- Game of Thrones
- Harry Potter
- Marvel movies (basically all of them)
- werewolf fiction (like the real outside of the box stories, not that cliche rejection/ girl goes back to guy that rejected her in the end crap) * I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for saying that but oh well. It is what it is I guess...*
- Asian food (OMG I COULD LIVE ON THAT SH*T!!!! *drooool*)
- Singing (I got a 'decent' voice, nothing overly special but it's alright)
- Drawing/sketching (I don't mind painting either but I am mostly in love with plain b/w sketching. Give me a sketchpad, pencil and a bit of charcoal and I'm in heaven *o* and to be quite honest if anyone did this for me I'd probably marry them hehe :P)
- Reading :)
- photoshop

So that's about it for my favorite things. I basically just came here to read everyone's amazing stories. As much as I would like to write my own story I don't think I will because quite honestly my creativity isn't that great........*sigh*
While some have the passion and creative minds for writing. Mine mainly goes towards my art. I just absolutely adore drawing/sketching.
- I used to be an editor on YouTube from about 2005 up until 2011 making anime/rpg videos under the username XxforgottenfantasiezxX. But slowly lost inspiration to keep going on with that.
- Also I used to make my own fan art on deviant art but slowly lost inspiration for that too :(
I still do a little bit of fan art here and there but it's not very often.....

Now I mainly just read here on wattpad and fall in love with each and every story I read.
  • RegistriertSeptember 24, 2018

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