


I'm sorry for the inactivity the past month or so. 
          Finals, projects, no motivation, polyglottery, and the like - you know the drill.
          If I've promised a review/art/thread/anything for you but haven't got around to doing it yet, I apologize, and please do PM me about it once more - my inbox has unfortunately been cleared by accident due to a prolonged neglection on my part. 
          As with anything, please drop by and say hello anytime you wish! I've got some wonderful stories in store for you, and I'd love to hear your feedback!
          I love all of you, and please have a fantastical day! <3 
          - HyacinthJin
          PS: I'VE FOUND MY CATCHPHRASE - "Don't believe the truth". You know; like that Oasis album^^


@HyacinthJin you play the piano? You attend Model UN conferences? You speak Chinese fluently? Wow... just wow. Lol, what I mean is I play the piano, and I'm currently studying Chinese. And I would have loved to attend a Model UN Conference. The problem is, it probably doesn't exist in my country, or well, it does... I just don't know. I'm a Filipino by the way.


@LuvSailorMercury MUN's where the fun's at - college kids are the funniest XD I'm a freshmen, and when I say "take Algebra II in two weeks", I mean, "I'm self studying a year's worth of Algebra Two and half of Pre-Calc within the span of the next two weeks" =_= I was on the Crisis Committee for Czechoslovakia, Specialized Committee for the ICC (Belgium!), and Homeland Security :3


Lol. Ah I see. がんばって!I hate pre-calc and calc. That sounds interesting.