
Happy June y’all!
          	I’m currently looking for a face claim!
          	God has brought the story together so well, but I’m still lacking. 
          	I had Mercy’s face claim, but she ended up not working, sooooo if any of you lovelies can think of a early-mid twenties black woman, I’d be much obliged ❤️❤️


@JasmynTailor ughh ofc it doesn't link properly 


There are a few books that are solely face claims!! I'll send it over <3


Happy June y’all!
          I’m currently looking for a face claim!
          God has brought the story together so well, but I’m still lacking. 
          I had Mercy’s face claim, but she ended up not working, sooooo if any of you lovelies can think of a early-mid twenties black woman, I’d be much obliged ❤️❤️


@JasmynTailor ughh ofc it doesn't link properly 


There are a few books that are solely face claims!! I'll send it over <3


Soooo, there’s more about Arise!
          Again I say, I’m so excited about this book because it’s just really good. 
          Barrett MacCarthaigh is our Male MC and I’m already swooning over the honorable Irishman!
          Y’all, be prepared for a sweet slowburn friends to lovers. I’m still trying to decide if it’s a Historical fiction…..I love writing those because the lack of cell phones and other distractive devices! And just the whole vibe of H-Fics are more swoony to me. 
          Anyway, I have a crush on Barrett and I believe y’all will too! 
          And King Matthew! This is a different story so just be prepared. 
          Okay, bye for now!❤️
          Even before they’re a thing, Barrett calls Mercy his dear
          *dies of melty swooniness*
          Imagine the Irish accent, ugh, “My dear, Mercy,” 
          *dies again*
          Okay, bye!


So excited for this! Can’t wait 


Soooo, if you look on my page you’ll see that I’ve added a story title under the Revelation Collection!
          This means that Laine is officially never coming back! Adios!
          But this is a good thing!
          I still don’t have an expected release time, but I can tell you that this new story will be amazing. 
          God has been giving me details about the story and the characters in bits and pieces. I’m not over exaggerating with this. It’s so good! It’s so deep. It’s so lovey. It’s soooo redemptive and shows the adoptive heart of God! I love this story and the God who gave it to me!
          When God sees fit, you will all meet Mercy Lourdes, the leading lady of Arise❤️❤️❤️


@JasmynTailor  A little bummed out over Laine not coming back,  BUT, I'm excited for the new book and coincidentally Lourdes is the name of my alma mater, i love it already 


@JasmynTailor I will miss Laine, but when one goes, we all know a better one is coming. 
            Love you Jas, and I pray for more wisdom from the LORD for you, in JESUS' NAME, AMEN 


I just want to say, I just discovered you on this app and although I haven't read any books yet, I already know I'll thoroughly enjoy them. I genuinely appreciate your entire page from your message to your organization lol but also the fact that you let it be known that you're here to worship God. I've been on this app since 2016 and since then, I've always read the typical and redundant "black love" books. Recently, I've started my walk with Christ and no longer have an interest in reading about sex and crime in every chapter. I deleted the app in March because I felt like the app was no longer aligning with who I am becoming but I do miss reading so I gave it another shot and finding your page, made me glad that I did.


Thank you!!
            It’s always such a blessing to hear! I’m glad God led you here and I pray you learn more about His heart! 


Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for your stories. You're truly a writer and a half cause I've read all of them multiple times and, as much as I don't want to admit it, I've cried each time. You have such an amazing way of showing God's love and hand in everything that it just makes me hopeful that one day, I might have a story to tell, just like yours. Please continue writing, and God bless you.


            Thank you so much!!! This is so sweet! God has really answered my prayers with my stories and I’m just blessed to have been used by God! 
            I’d love to give you a free story


Hello I'm am currently reading your story bliss and I'm only halfway through the first page the pout where Connor and bliss are haveing hot chocolate and I could help to think
          Conner is doing this so she dosent lose faith
          So she keeps in touch with God
          He may not know that he's doing it but that's the reson


Aww! Yes, he’s encouraging her❤️❤️


Girl just as I was preparing to leave wattpad because I couldn't find good Christian stories I stumble across you and your books I must say you are truly heaven sent. Thank you❤️


Awwww!! This makes me so happy❤️ I’m so glad God led you here! 
            I’d like to give you a free ebook copy of one of my stories❤️


I stumbled on your story ' With Abandon' and read it in one go. Such a pure and clean story. So glad to find Christian stories and above all you on this platform. Love and prayers from India.


Aww!! Yay! I’m so glad you found me! I pray over my stories that God will lead people to them and they will find Him purely, as well as sweet love! Thank you for reading and I hope the other stories bless you as well❤️❤️


I must finished Obadiah and my I say, it were dop an' good man I al most read it all day you did a great job on that story, I can see why God chose you to write it i really believe that the Lord God has plans for this story 
          God bless you and God bless all


Aww!! Thank you so much❤️❤️ you’re very kind to say that! 