
What’s the interest level in me hosting a book club this summer?


@JoyeEverett715  Shifting life circumstances here, but would tentatively be interested!


@JoyeEverett715 that sounds like a wonderful idea


What’s the interest level in me hosting a book club this summer?


@JoyeEverett715  Shifting life circumstances here, but would tentatively be interested!


@JoyeEverett715 that sounds like a wonderful idea


Weird question, but: Can I make the character based on you?? ❤️‍
          I just saw your comments on Wattpad tips and tricks book and then read your message board. Honestly, you sound awesome. I need someone like you in my books!


You can take inspiration from whatever you wish, but please do not include any identifying details


As of now, I have just learned about the scandal NaNoWriMo was embroiled in mid-November. In the interest of not triggering other survivors, I ask you to Google it as I will not be providing links to the discussion of what happened.
          As of now, until the current Board of Directors resigns and NaNoWriMo discontinues its other filthy practices, including but not limited to supporting Inkitt in the past and racism against their Caucasian users, I will no longer be using my NaNoWriMo account. It will remain available, but inactive. I gently encourage everyone not to purchase their merchandise or donate to them, or use them in the future until more changes occur. 
          I am very sad that it’s come to this as NaNoWriMo was how I got my foot in the door to the popularity I have now, but I cannot in good conscience support them anymore.


Sazanka passage of the day! (GORE WARNING.)
          I, Shimura Tenko, aged five, stood in a mess of rubble on a scorching August evening, my hands dripping with blood and my clothes tattered in rags. The humid, hot weather caused dirt clods to stick to my skin, to my bloody lips and my stinging eye, red pouring down the right side of my vision. Where once had been well-pruned, trimmed, perfect grass now was a mixture of dust, drywall, blood, and entrails. 
          This was where I found myself. This was my earliest memory.


Sazanka passage of the day! (WARNING: CONTAINS MANGA SPOILERS.)
          “She and I need to have a little chat,” Tenko said sternly.
          “Abso-freaking-lutely not,” Hawks replied, shaking his head. “She was almost killed by the League. You’re not going near her. Is this some kind of revenge trip for Toga?”
          “Revenge?” echoed Tenko. “Don’t be stupid. Toga saved this girl. All I want to know is why.”
          “Oh, is that it?” Hawks said. “Why didn’t’cha just say so?” He looked down at the ground, sadly. “Well…it’s because of me, ultimately.”
          “What are you talking about?” Tenko snapped. “Get to the point.” Hawks raised a brow, and Tenko groaned. “Please.”
          “Well, you know how Toga ended up impersonating Jin?”
          “You’re not on a first-name basis with Twice. Drop it.”
          Hawks ignored him. “Well, she was only able to do that because she’d gotten his blood…and I was the one who spilled it.”


Sazanka passage of the day!
          "He gasped as he rushed out, his hair blowing in his face as he stared at the scene in front of them. Toga, dressed in a makeshift hospital blanket, had her face slammed into the floor by a heavily-armed Tartarus guard. One of her arms was bent at an odd angle, clearly indicating it was broken, and her face was contorted in a similar way.
          "Broken arm, broken jaw. Damn it! “Get off of her,” Tenko thundered, “right now. I don’t want to repay your hospitality with my power, but I will if you don’t let her go. There’s no need to use such excessive force on her – she’s only seventeen.”
          "The guard watched him in confusion. Tenko stared at him, aware that he was disheveled, a fevered mess who could probably barely swing a kick right now. The Quirk suppressants were also doing something to his strength, making him as weak as any other man."


Sazanka passage of the day!
          Himiko raced down the hallway, hearing the sound of police sirens from outside. Her jaw chattered against her top set of teeth – the pain was so bad she was teetering on the edge of insanity. But she had to get someone’s help right away. She had to be safe, to be protected. And whoever that man with her grandfather had been, he was decidedly not on her side.
          My shoulder, she thought, her eyes blurring with tears. My shoulder. But she knew she could get help at her destination. She knew he would be there, waiting for her with open arms, ready to help her and to bind up her wounds when she herself couldn’t. He would protect her. He would chase her.
          Police at the end of the hallway. Himiko took a sharp right. She didn’t have any weapons on her, but she knew several potent martial arts. She could get the nurses to tell her where Tomura was resting. She could get to him and in a split second, he would be able to help her. Maybe…maybe, if he was sane enough, he could pass on his healing power to her. Or he could take her cloths and bind her up. Then they could escape.