
I'm alive… I know I haven't been active here in a long time so I want to ease your worries. I'm dealing with a lot of things currently, my transition is going forward nicely but it's still taxing. Self discovery and working through trauma tend to be messy work and I don't mean the diapered kind of mess, but that one kinda helps me heal my inner child. I don't know when I'll find the strength to take up my stories again, but I do want to.
          	I'm open to talking about stuff, so if you want to you're welcome to reply here or DM me… just, be aware it might take me a bit to respond at times.


I'm alive… I know I haven't been active here in a long time so I want to ease your worries. I'm dealing with a lot of things currently, my transition is going forward nicely but it's still taxing. Self discovery and working through trauma tend to be messy work and I don't mean the diapered kind of mess, but that one kinda helps me heal my inner child. I don't know when I'll find the strength to take up my stories again, but I do want to.
          I'm open to talking about stuff, so if you want to you're welcome to reply here or DM me… just, be aware it might take me a bit to respond at times.


I'm sure you noticed I haven't updated my works for some time now. That does not mean I abandoned writing, I plan to return at some point. I might be able to put out a chapter here and there but nothing resembling a schedule any time soon.


Can you help me I want to be treated like a baby girl cause they got pwettier clothes


Okay first things first, I'm mostly okay. Things are getting more active in my transition and I'm not really able to focus on my stories currently. So due to that updates will be a bit slower for now. I'm grateful to all of you who read my stories so far and added it to your reading lists, commented or just left a vote.


how old are u


@PatchesandPaint I'm 24 and my little age is between 18 months and five years.