
          	I made a poll on patreon to see which of the Volume V arcs people like the post. Just wanted to see... :) It's public so anyone can participate regardless of being a patron or not.


I just wanted to say how much I love this series. I’ve read a good amount of Fairy Tail next generation fanfics and this is by far the best one I’ve read. I know one of the difficult parts of writing next generation fics is making sure that the kids of the original characters aren’t just carbon copies of them; and I feel like you captured that aspect perfectly. I also love how you wrote Marigold as a character, she fits in so well and I never once thought that she was out of place. I’m eagerly looking forward to the next part of the story, and I hope that Marigold and Lidden get a happy ending together!


@christtroy9 Thank you so much! I've learned so much about writing from working on this story and it means a lot people who read it see my effort. Liddan and Marigold are some of my alltime favorite characters to write, and I hope I can do the ending of the story justice! Just gotta get there first--ahhhhhhh! I'm working on it, believe me...


I remember reading in an authors note you planned on writing a real-world AU for fairy tail, did you ever get around to that? It’s an idea I would LOVE to see your take on, I love your writing so so much!! Was here around the start but took a few years break from reading, so nice to see your progress!


That’s totally understandable! What you put out there is up to you and what you want! Currently in Volume 4, I think I’ve been reading non-stop from the start for the past 5 days, keep up the good work and I hope to catch whatever you publish in the future!


@FairyQueen513 Hello! Welcome back to reading this super long mess of a fanfic (woohoo!) As for the AU, I was working on another fanfic called "Fairy Tail Cheers" that I ended up taking down because I thought a few of the jokes were distasteful and just generally didn't like it. I'm afraid I won't be bringing it back, as I focus all my freetime (the little that I have) on completing the final volume of FTNG. I've progressed a lot as a writer thanks to this fanfic, heck I'm currently a grad student studying creative writing with a focus on graphic novels/comics, sooo I've definitely progressed, and after FTNG is done I don't believe I'll be publishing here anymore, which is really sad but I'll stick around wattpad a bit longer thanks to FTNG. Thanks for checking in  and sorry to say I haven't been able to work on all the MANY ideas I had when I was first starting this story.


mesaj potențial jignitor
It feels weird to know this story is over. It was such an important corner stone in my life as a person and literally pivoted me into taking English as a passion. I even started convincing every fairy tail around me to read this story because it is that amazing and you should be proud of this story Katie
          I unfortunately haven't read past chapter 21 in Volume 4 because I got into some serious mental health problems and Liddan started to hit a little too close to home (so expect another long note for when that happens XD) but also in a weird way knowing that he must have found resolution is comforting, even if I haven't read it
          Also volume 1 is my comfort food for whenever I want a pick me up when I'm feeling depressed as shit. The Sylvie chapter always makes me happy. And Layla's Book especially the Rowen and Gillian is something that i read for funsies and awws XD
          I will read the rest of the volumes eventually!! But till then know that if I ever publish the book I'm writing, you will the the one I acknowledge in the first page and you will always be my favourite author Katie!!!


@RySaLove2Write oh I'll definitely finish it one day. And dang, VOLUME 6 HYPE XDXD (no pressure obviously)


@RySaLove2Write Thank you so much for the kind words, but the story isn't actually over! There's another volume left for me to release, but I'm getting there with time...
            I understand the challenges with Liddan, and Sylvie alike. I wrote about my own pain through those characters, so I can see if it hits too close to home. Sometimes it hits too close to home for me too but in a way that allows me to process my emotions. 
            I've used writing as a way to work through my anxiety for awhile now, and seeing as you're a writer too, I'm sure you do the same. When we write honestly from our own experience, it shows in our work. 
            I'm really happy to see my weird little fanfic inspired you and it's something you can look back at fondly. I hope you'll finish volume V some day as it is my favorite to date. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and kind words, I wish you luck as a fellow writer :)


hey katie! love this series so much idk if this is a lot to ask but i was thinking maybe like one book full of just liddan and marigold cute oneshots. or even just a story aside from the plot about their relationship i feel like we dont get enough cute liddan/marigold moments anymore


@MaggieWrites08 Hey Maggie! I totally agree, there ain't enough cute Liddan/Marigold moments! Volume V was really plot heavy so there wasn't much time for it, but I have been thinking of making perhaps a special to have sweet fun moments that aren't so PAINFUL in the near future. Thanks for the suggestion!


How do you create characters? How would you describe the process?


You helped a lot! This was an eye opener for what I wanted in my characters and how I want to write them, so thank you. And your hilarious!


@silentpyndrop I'll be honest, it took me a heck of a long time to figure out most of my characters and what their flaws were, that's when I feel the narrative was finally led by the characters cuz I knew who these people were and what they would do. Of course that took, like, years for me to really figure out. I love writing strong and complex characters and I'm very flattered you asked me for advice on how to write them, unless this was all ironic and you were asking me to see "what not to do" well in that case jokes on you cuz I had fun writing out my process anyway, ha! Take that! Of course I don't think that's actually the case, that too was a joke. I'm a bit of a prankster you see (ha ha ha, only I will ever find this funny). 
            I could write a whole series of the "do's and don'ts of character writing" but hey, I should probably work on finishing the upcoming chapter first. But hey, I'm happy to answer any questions people send my way. Hope I've helped in some convoluded way. Thanks for reaching asking! Good luck writing!


@silentpyndrop I also always recommend taking a piece of yourself and putting it in your characters. I know that people give crap for "self insert" characters, but I feel that when you write stories with characters that honestly reflect yourself they feel much more real and honest. I did this a lot for the characters Liddan, Marigold, and Sylvie, actually, and it helped me improve on the character writing a lot, as well as gave me some perspective on my own self loathing (ha, I was super sad in college, wooo). Again, this is what separates the typical "self insert" character from authentically basing your characters off your own experience. Really what makes a self insert so obvious and boring is that they're not really based on the actual person, not honestly anyway. They're idealized versions of the author living out bright fantastic experiences they always wished they could be apart of. When you base a character off yourself, and I mean that truly, you aren't idealizing yourself. You're investigating your own flaws and anxieties and expressing those things in your characters. I always tell writers to do this, especially if I know them on a personal level, because I think it helps give you a fresh perspective on your own experiences. Agh, sorry, this is weirdly turning into a self help thing...ahhhh...okay give you characters a funny catch phrase like when they trip they go "Ruh roh, fiddly sticks I done it again" (this is a joke, don't do this unless ironically)


Unfortunately the next chapter won’t be up for the next week or so because I’ll be on vacation. I’m sorry and thank you to your patience 


To explain further, uh, I write the chapters two chapters in advance for patreon, and the chapter that I've been working to release on patreon is the finale of this whole ordeal so...that took awhile to finish since it was, nearly 30k words like (one day...you'll get to read it on here...yayyy) BUt yes, thank you for your patience and I'm sorry it took so long :')


@sumeghaacharya Ha, jokes on you, I just uploaded it! Not really a joke...on you or anything. Just...Okay, so it's up now. Sorry.


HELP  I am still curious as to where can I read the manga series of Fairytail  what app should I download ? and where can I read the sequel of Fairytail the one that lucy and natsu got married 


@rizzpanice That's Fairy Tail: 100 year quest.. which is soon being adapted into a anime.. It's a little sketch, but safe I read it on mangago.me (ALSO yes edolas natsu and lucy do get married)


@rizzpanice I don't think there's a series with natsu and lucy married, but you can find them for free on those sketchy manga sites or you can buy copies of the manga on more legit sites.


also the one that natsu didn't get shocked when he learned that edulas natsu and lucy got married 