
Hi everyone! ‼️Important info‼️ for anyone reading the Unexpected Mates series I'll be posting all book 5s first draft on inkitt, it'll be up for two weeks and then I'll be pulling them off all platforms as I start the process of indie publishing. Very exciting and super intense so thank you everyone who has been supportive along the way. Your comments have been great in fleshing out sylvie and the gang. My other works will stay on wattpad and I'll leave a sample once my work goes live on kdp Amazon and is accessible in paperback. Never thought this would be possible and honestly most of it is thanks to you readers and book club reviewers. I'm creating an author Instagram to keep everyone up to date, 
          	Hope to see you there xxx


Congrats! That’s amazing! All the best for your publishing journey!!


Hi everyone! ‼️Important info‼️ for anyone reading the Unexpected Mates series I'll be posting all book 5s first draft on inkitt, it'll be up for two weeks and then I'll be pulling them off all platforms as I start the process of indie publishing. Very exciting and super intense so thank you everyone who has been supportive along the way. Your comments have been great in fleshing out sylvie and the gang. My other works will stay on wattpad and I'll leave a sample once my work goes live on kdp Amazon and is accessible in paperback. Never thought this would be possible and honestly most of it is thanks to you readers and book club reviewers. I'm creating an author Instagram to keep everyone up to date, 
          Hope to see you there xxx


Congrats! That’s amazing! All the best for your publishing journey!!


Hi everyone! For those who are waiting on book 5 of the Triad Series, I will only be posting on inkitt under the same username for now. Until other users and my own work is no longer blacklisted from the ranks I won't be uploading here.
          There's already a few chapters up, so I'll see you there 
          Love KB


@ Kayla_Bee23  I'm all reading it 9n inkitt I couldn't wait for it to be uploaded here.
            I'm to hook  on it


How do I read the chapters of Kalina book 4 there all jumbled up


@istgurlying if you have inkitt just read it on there. It's not jumbled. I'll fix it soon


Is there going to be more of Sylvie's adventures? What about any family plans? Is there going to be a fourth book?


@Jmly98 I really would like to see where her future holds. It ends with a cliffhanger of where she goes back to the tree. With also the knowledge of her still having some of her Lycan powers. It would be awesome to see her future babies (hehe). I always really love when authors include what happens to their future. Some other things to include like how does she even inherit her lycan side and where it comes from as well. I know she is a mix of vampire and fae but how does a lycan come into part? Things like that. I'm excited for book 4! Maybe her child will inherit cool traits too 


@Jmly98 i hadn't planned a book 4 but maybe down the line. Funnily enough, the pregnancy trope is the most hated trope in all of fantasy fiction so I wasn't going to go there for this series. If I were to write another book though, what would you hope to be included? 


I found your books about 4 days ago and started reading their first trilogy Of The unwanted mates, girl I'm telling you you are an amazing writer you got me hooked. I can't stop reading I can't wait for your updates. I'm just glad I don't have to wait long for the updates thank you for that.


@DesereDruckemiller thank you so much! Glad you like them xx


*Whoop whoop*
          The First Fae Mate was one of the winners of the Alpha Awards 2023 on the official Wattpad Werewolf page!
          Completely forgot I even submitted...
          Now to figure out how to add the prize sticker to my cover...