
Gio’s last POV chapter just dropped and it’s an ALL new one. I almost entitled it the baby is born, but I made it just a touch more ambiguous in the end. Enjoy. The Dual POV is now complete ❤️


Gio’s last POV chapter just dropped and it’s an ALL new one. I almost entitled it the baby is born, but I made it just a touch more ambiguous in the end. Enjoy. The Dual POV is now complete ❤️


Happy Tuesday. I just uploaded a revised chapter of FI —40. Hospital. It is now a dual POV chapter, and we get inside Gio's head as he goes to his dr appointment with Ren after the car crash.


@abahdjwkjahdjdjwje haha. Yeah. That’s the most tense chapter of the book. 


Okay, the next "bonus" Gio POV chapter just dropped, except it's not a bonus anymore. It's called "Don't Stop Me Now," and it will replace Ren's chapter 38, where the heat turns up and she tries a pickle. I hope you like it. 
          If you like to see how it compares to the original, you now have to find it in my first-edition book. 
          Three more to go. Two half chapters shared with Ren, and one totally new at the end. Almost done!


Revisions to make FI dual are now underway, and I've changed the cover to something new to celebrate that. 
          I'm also uploading a first edition with just Ren's POV now. I'll try to do that in a few chapters over the next week so I don't bombard your notifications. It's so lame I can do a full upload of the whole thing in one go or tun off notifications. Sorry about that.


Notice to anyone reading Fate Interrupted: I will be moving Gio's chapters into place this week. So, if you are in the midst of reading, you might suddenly find his POV pop up in a chapter or two. I will be posting a first-edition book with just her POV shortly if you find you prefer her POV only.


News Update: A new bonus chapter for Fate Interrupted dropped today. I think I'm four chapters away from finishing! When I have them all written out, I'm going to insert them in place and unpublish Ren's chapters. I'll make another first-edition book for her POV only. 
           I also started writing the intro chapter to Gio's POV in The Fate of Our Hearts today. It will be a brand new scene with him and Charlie on the bus, and it will finish out the book.
          Her Devil May Care is on hold for now till I get these other two books out of my head space. Then I will only have two books on my mind —lol.
          My final announcement is that I've begun seriously outlining my new WIP, Fate Mistaken. It will be a suspense thriller with a three-way POV between Gio, Ren, and Lucas. It's a mafia kidnapping, ransom suspense, guns and car chases, and YA romance rolled into one! Haha. I hope I can pull it off.


An article that may help you realize why Wattpad has made some of their more recent decisions:   https://www.forbes.com/sites/rashishrivastava/2022/09/28/wattpad-sexual-predators/?sh=648b334492ca


@Bstarroyer very true. But once the conversation moves elsewhere it becomes less of Wattpad’s problem. This isn’t about them trying to solve the problem. It’s about liability.


@LNRoberts1 Thank you for sharing this article. It was very informative. 


@LNRoberts1 Thanks for sharing this. It's awful that's happened to those kids, and does put things in perspective a bit more. I remember this also being a reason the forums came down. I'm not sure how effective this will be if their response is to shut down channels for private communication instead of investing into having enough security measures to make the site safe for teens as people will find ways around it, but hopefully for those who aren't on other platforms with private communication, it will help.