

Hello, just saw that you tag me in a comment. Just wanted to say: you never saw The Greatest Showman movie? T-T But is so gooood! I love the movie's soundtrack :') 


@KeycixWrites The songs of the TGS are amazing. I listened to plenty of them. I love "This is Me" and "A Million Dreams". I have never watched the movie. :( I'll definitely watch it!


 ݊    ꒰ㅤ DEEP DIVE ㅤ꒱ㅤ something mysterious that the Queens of  Marina ᭡ have been talking about.
          The letters ◞ ◟ go out and it's something in the new libraryㅤ ੭୧
          “The empty bookshelf is waiting for books. ⇄ . who have taken part in fierce competition and won, ”  Queen Keeya ꔫ tells everyone at the inauguration of the library. “Our sharks will provide a detailed review on the aspect of the book you choose as a prize!”
          ᶻ z  Marina invites you, the participants of our previous project, Oceanus Masquerade to join us at ╰╮ Deep Dive ﹗
          Follow the ،، ˖ fishes  and find the library. Compete for your books and win our shark's take! ﹑ᝰ
          Take this path to Deep Dive  ::


Hello! I'm the co-host of the Elpida Awards and I'd like to ask if you can think of any genre that your teen fic book might have in common with chicklit books and rom-com books. LIke is there any genre/sub genre your book might have in common with a chick lit book or a rom-com book


@Cool-cat2023 I don't think so... Maybe it's kinda chicklit-ish. But I don't think it has a lot in common with rom-coms.


@LadyMaryAverman  Lemme rephrase, what are all the genres/sub-genre your teen fic book you entered in the Elpida Awards contain? I don't mind you listing them all (as much you can think of)