
Hey everyone, sorry for going ghost again. I was having trouble with fixing the problem which is to add the missing Chapter 2
          	So I'll either completely jump chapter 2 or just have it share its space with the third chapter, but of course Chapter 2 will be cut short.
          	Will have it posted by Sunday! 


Hey everyone, sorry for going ghost again. I was having trouble with fixing the problem which is to add the missing Chapter 2
          So I'll either completely jump chapter 2 or just have it share its space with the third chapter, but of course Chapter 2 will be cut short.
          Will have it posted by Sunday! 


Are you re-writing your stories? 


Awesome! I was getting ready to re read so I was confused. Thank you! 


@Snakebitez420  no I'm no re-writing my story. I lost a few chapters so I'll just be re-writing those I have lost. I'll then  repost the rest of the 50-something chapters including the very last chapter 