
This quote has been heavy on my mind as of late: 
          	"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." 
          	Watty friends, where does your mind go when you read those words?


          I just wanted to leave a message to say thank you for reading my story Loving you is a losing game. Every one of your lovely comments gives my so much happiness and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story. It's a really personal one since I myself am Asexual and I based Imogen on myself. I really hope I can one day find someone as good as Liam and I hope you do too. (Or maybe you have <3) 
          Anyway, I've gone on too long. Thank you so much, and I hope you have a great day :)


Thanks so much for the follow. I hope u enjoy my stories. I hope u get some new readers for your story.


@BooksbyLwordpress Thank you :) I hope you're doing well :)


          I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for following me.
           It truly means a lot to me, and I honestly appreciate it. 
          I hope we can get to know each other better and  become friends and support each other in  the future 
          If you ever need anything my message board is always open don't hesitate


@-_-The-WordSmith-_- Thank you so much for reaching out! I'm excited to get to know one another and support each other  


Hey there, Lilac.
          I hope for your life to always bloom into beautiful stages of life.
          I deeply apologize for the unexpected comment but since Wattpad removed the PM feature, I had no other choice except to write here.
          I hope I've not disturbed your peace.
          I'm sorry for putting it here like this, but I hope to give few seconds of your precious time into reading this book and if you agree with the author's opnion, including mine and many other users, sign the petition that's inside the book, and share it in anyway if you want.

          Sorry again for disturbing your peace and I hope you will have great day ahead. ❤️
          Until next time 


Hey! Miss you! I'm back now. :3 can't wait to catch up with your book! 


@LilacsAreInBloom What's your name on there and I'll send you a friend request if I can find you. I still don't know that much about Inkitt haha. 


@That_awesome_fry I missed you too!!!!! I can't wait to get back to your book!!! Eep, I'm going to sit down later and read it! I just had a small mental break. Haha, I was so burned out. But now that I'm back, I'm rested and ready to goooooooo!!!!! 


I posted on your wall not long ago but idk wattpad glitched fr, the private messages have been taken away :( as I tried to message you 


@LilacsAreInBloom almost and currently editing as we speak haha. I do have a writing instagram if you have that to message better etc I’m so sad wp took away the messages 


@Savage_satan I'm so glad to hear from you :) This no PM thing on WP is taking some getting used to lol. I can't wait to have you jump back in, and I'm certainly looking forward to reading more of yours too :) (assuming it's ready). 
            I totally get being busy! I feel like I'm drowning in life right now.
            Hope all is well :)


And my message got cut god damn lmfao anyway I was trying to say I’ll catch up on your story real soon sorry I’ve been M.I.A as I wanted to continue on book club but I had so much on. Hope you’re doing okay! 