
Hey! I've been busy for the past three weeks with studying, and finals, and tomorrow is my graduation. I haven't been writing a whole lot but I might be writing a lot more poems about graduating pretty soon. Please understand I'm trying my best here. Happy Reading <333


Hey! I've been busy for the past three weeks with studying, and finals, and tomorrow is my graduation. I haven't been writing a whole lot but I might be writing a lot more poems about graduating pretty soon. Please understand I'm trying my best here. Happy Reading <333


Hey! I've been super busy but just so you guys have something to look FORWARD to in the next chapter, I'll give you a hint about a scene... it involves nightmares.
          On another note, follow my tt at MafiaMaddi27
          Have a great week. Happy Reading <333


Hey! So MASSIVE update:
          The entirety of Lilith and Arwan's dynamic is going to be changed in almost every aspect. 
          Okay, so basically Arwan is no longer going to fall for Lilith, but rather see her as an opportunity for Korgon to become a "world power". 
          Lilith is unaware of this plan and if you read Chapter 24 you would know of Arwan's plan to convince Lilith to marry him. 
          However, Lilith's original plan of going to Korgon was to be CIVIL towards Arwan and hope he can see that she isn't JUST a killer. But Arwan's plan to make a deal with Lilith is going to be to SEDUCE her (it doesn't work). 
          So that is how their relationship is going to change. Arwan sees her as a way to power and Lilith sees him as a way out of financial ruin. 
          Idris and Caleb are going to be more background characters instead of supporting characters like Benjamin, and Morgan who have more dialogue and scenes. 
          As this book is coming to a near-but-far close, I can't help but be extremely grateful for my audience (even if it's small).
          So, thank you so much for reading and I hope that even after these changes, you still enjoy Gardens of Ash.
          Thank you so much. Happy Reading <333


Hey! Update on Gardens of Ash:
          I have just started editing chapters 1-15 and it's safe to say that a lot between Lilith and Arwan is going to be changed. 
          On a different note, I have recently started planning out the sequel to Gardens of Ash and the title is... 
          The Blood That Drives Us
          (It'll make sense later)
          Thank you so much for all of your support. Happy reading <333


Hey! I hope you all are having an amazing weekend! I just want to inform you all that the first draft of Gardens of Ash is ALMOST complete! I am in the home stretch and the characters are nowhere near done with their journeys. This has been a wild ride and I’ve been working on this book since late October of 2023 and now it’s mid 2024 and this writing experience is beginning to feel surreal. Thank you all so much for the support on this journey and for all the consistent readers. It truly means a lot. When the first draft is done and goes through edits, I’m sure the story will change in minor ways but the basis of it will stay true and I hope you all understand. Have a great day and Happy reading<33


Hi! I'm interested in reading from your short stories and poems but there are so many! Which one do you recommend I start with?


@Avoyenturi tysm<33 I hope you enjoy :)


Alright ill check those ones out :)


@Avoyenturi hey! I just want to say tysm for even considering reading my work . it means lots <33 But personally I think you should start with "Don't You Dare." or "How Did We Get Here?" there about my personal experiences in a relationship that wasn't healthy under any circumstances and I go back to these poems to remind myself of how I got out of it. Happy Reading <333


Hey! So basically... I've been struggling to write recently and I've been in trouble, but I am planning on uploading sometime soon.  I'm also writing some informative essays/research projects, one is about the Five Families of Organized Crime and one is about Mark Zuckerberg, if you guys want me to upload a story where I post informative/research essays. Let me know what you guys think, and I will be back on here uploading Gardens of Ash hopefully before next week! Have a great week and as always, thank you for reading <3


Hey! So this Monday, my dog passed away and I began writing some poems about death and how it is such a debatable topic. So as I am dealing with my own grief, I am going to start uploading any stories/poems I write. It won't be too frequent but whatever poetry/stories I have, will be uploaded. As I stated, the poem "What We're Led to Believe" is about him, so I hope you all enjoy my writing. 
          On the topic of Gardens of Ash, I want to apologize that I haven't been uploading frequently, but I am trying my hardest. Writers Block is no joke and neither is grieving. So, I will try to upload. I hope you all can understand! Thanks for reading <3