
OH MY GOODNESS. I am in tears. I have not opened this account till today, and I just started looking at my messages. So many strangers such thoughtful and amazing words. I don't know how to respond. I am overwhelmed with emotions and so blessed to live in a world with SUCH amazing and caring people! I am going to try to reply to everyone, but I literally have thousands of messages to go through so please be patient with me and I will reply to you. 
          	THANK YOU so much for being such beautiful souls.


@MandyMuch OMG ive been following since the beginning! and i 100% understand where u are coming from! i havent written in 3 yrs since i started at university! im so happy to hear that you are doing well though! <3 i think its time to re-read the stories though since i havent read them in 5 yrs haha <3 welcome back!!


I'm so glad you're ok!! Please stay!


@MandyMuch welcome back! Looking forward to more of your amazing work


Hi :)
          I wanted to come on here and say that I recently reread every single one of your books. When I first read them, I was probably 12/13. I’m now 24, and I rarely come on wattpad anymore, but every time I do I check your profile incase you’ve updated. Your books are some of the most memorable pieces of writing I’ve ever written, and stories like those fuel my love for reading everyday. I know you’re probably so busy with life but I hope this message motivates you to not let go of this passion you have, because you have a real gift and reading your writing makes me feel like a young carefree girl again and I love that. I hope you’re well <3


Your books literally keep my up at night!!! (I’m not kidding... I pulled an all nighter reading Before the Darkest Storm). I am addicted to your writing style; you certainly know how to keep a reader captivated! All the tension buildup and plot twists keep me on my toes that I might just die from a heart attack. I love the originality, and creativity of your work. I’m in awe ❤️ (I hardly ever praise an author on here). Just wanted to show my appreciation and to thank you for blessing my eyes with your wonderful stories!


@realpeak is the book complete??